BO2- Mistakenly Banned


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal BO2- Mistakenly Banned

This topic contains 14 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  megaseth 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #89906 Score: 0


    Well, I would really like to express my opinion at the same time but I don’t want to confuse the mods/make it a problem so i’m a just get to the details.
    Ingame Name: BO2
    When were you banned: December,27th, 2014
    Why were you banned: Apparently accused of using Kill aura
    Who banned you: Rogue_Art
    Why do you think you should be unbanned: I do not use hacks. I’ve been playing on the server since July of 2012. I had never ever used pvp cheats to overcome battles. If i had, i’m pretty sure I would’ve been caught already. I think this was a misconception from a moderator because I do not use hacks. In fact, I don’t have any mods installed. Not even a texture pack or optifine. I’ve 1v1ed many players before none have accused me of using hacks. I’m 100% sure this was a misconception. I apologize for any inconvenience I have caused mods.

    #89907 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Good Good, you heeded my advice, and now you got a working negotiation. :) Good luck man, it appears to be your first offense, so you have a high chance of being accepted for unbanning. 😀 good luck once again 😉

    #89922 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Do you have any alts?

    #89931 Score: 0


    1. @AnderZENZ you are not a mod, do not tell players “you should be unbanned soon” and other things that are a mods duty to clarify, I believe Trollson has made a post about this on the EC home page, go look at it sometime.

    2. I will backup BO2 when I say that he has been here for quite some time and without a doubt, seems like the last person on EC to hack, good luck on the unban.


    #89937 Score: 0


    To hell if this guy hacks. You don’t and i know so, ill stick with you till the you get out of this >;I

    #89941 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Now i know what BO2 Means Lol

    #89965 Score: 0

    20 pts

    @syth22 I said NOTHING of the sort, now explain to me why you needed to say that? I said that it was his first offense, not “you will be unbanned soon” mfg…

    Edit: You didn’t have to be an ass about it, you could’ve said ” Ander, please refer to trollson’s post ” furthermore, YOU are being misleading here, by telling me inaccurate info.

    #90017 Score: 0


    vote up
    Idk if you used hacks or not but I believe that everyone should have a second chance.

    #90091 Score: 0


    Man rogue wanted to see if I was hacking or not so he told PeterPlaysMC to warp pvp and fight me. I did. I had invis strength regen fire res and speed on. I was strafing like a boss with god apple on. I was even taking knockback damage so how could that have been kill aura. Even Peter said I was legit because he got some fair strikes on me. I don’t know how Rogue ended up coming with this conclusion and hope he changes his mind about this. This also breaks my clean record of no bans or kicks :p

    #90094 Score: 0

    20 pts

    @BO2, you’ve had a few warns here and there :/

    #90097 Score: 0


    Good thing he said kicks/bans Ander…

    #90182 Score: 0

    20 pts

    I know but he also said “clean record” which INCLUDES warns/mutes too xD

    #90277 Score: 0


    Hey can a keymaster close this topic it’s been dealt with.

    #90282 Score: 0

    20 pts

    I’ll let a keymaster know 😀

    #90288 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Closed as per request of author.

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