Bongo said im Pankia


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Bongo said im Pankia

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Bongo 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #55038 Score: 0


    bongo banned me because he said im pankia even do im not i play in net cafe so if a player played and his name is pankia he is an mc player in that cafe i play i wil admit that im sharingan641 and a lot of accs but never ever pankia wtf this is a reason why i leaved the server once.

    #55039 Score: 0


    first reason why i hate the mods 1.they temp bann directly just for saying noob (but i have reason why i said noob) 2. they think im pankia who da hell is he?

    #55040 Score: 0


    Funny how you fill in the blanks yourself.
    You have been banned for avoiding your ban on Myra538 with account ”Eternia”.

    And you know whats funny to, that you first tell me you have no clue what so ever who Pankia123 is, and moment after you know him as he also plays MC in that internet cafe. Doesnt make much sense now does it ?

    #55041 Score: 0


    im not using the format because im pissed off bongo he keeps on fking blaming me that im that stupid pankia and if ever u will read this and u will unbann me no ty i hate the server becuase of bongo and those fking mods who blames me for pankia all the time i play they say im pankia when i use other acc then i do something they blame my cousin whenever i use other accs to they blame me for pankia.

    #55042 Score: 0


    Second of all, you got banned for saying the same line 5 times, saying noob around 15 times even after you got warned. Now dont blame it on the mods that you got banned. Its your fault.

    #55043 Score: 0


    nope i told u that maybe he is an mc player in that cafe because i used that pc with his fking ip

    #55044 Score: 0


    Okay you are perm banned and blocked of the forums cya. Im done with you.

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