Bored of Towny: Time for Faction


Home Forums Survival General discussion Bored of Towny: Time for Faction

This topic contains 29 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  maxminoS 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #29304 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Some people like intense action of PVP, RAIDING, TNT CANNONS, and etc like HARDCORE ACTION FUN!

    Since there is Survival, Arenas, SuperSmash, Creative and Steve (wtf is that), why not add FACTIONS!!!!!!!! ( FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN)

    Factions is pretty much the opposite of Towny. Towny is for building, Faction is for base. Towny is for protection. Faction is for land and raiding with tnt cannons. You can claim land by having power which can be earned by time limit or by pvping to gain power. You can also loose power by dieing by pvp or mobs or any kind. In factions, u can claim OVEr people’s land if u have more power. Everyhting can be easily config in the Files and things can be SET UR WAY.
    From my past experiences at faction pvp servers, they can get pretty damn popular and fill in the slots to FUL L FULL FULL. I seen from servers people would donate for ranks that include kits (armor, potions, weapon) and enjoy pvping, and raiding. Factions are pretty cool and easy to customize and it’s easy to increase population, popularity, and donators.
    From popularity of major minecrafters, many people recommend Factions Servers. You can team up with ur friends, ingame friends or just buddies to build a base and protect ur self. People enjoy the action of pvping, and raiding bases to get loot and be sucessful. If Factions could be added in Eternal Cracked, there can be a population increase of the server and popularity of eternal crack can increase too. Factions have a lot of features such as Safe Zone and War Zones that are included in the plugin. Things can be edit easily in the Config files and turned into the ways you like.

    PLease vote on a yes or no and support ur reason with an explanation. Enjoy ~Wither

    #29308 Score: 0


    soo how many times do people have to post this before they learn the answers no?

    #29312 Score: 0


    Wither has a point. The server is sooo good ATM. Factions is the best! Put them together and you get an even better server. Some people like facs and some towny. Why don’t we have both so we have a greater variety of people on the server. Maybe you can make another sub server for factions or put factions in arenas or something…..

    #29315 Score: 0


    I like the idea of factions. Maybe the steve facebook group will make a faction server. Factions are fun but I don’t think they should replace towny.

    #29317 Score: 0

    14 pts

    This gives people their taste that they have in minecraft and be able to enjoy at things that they are at the best at and make Eternal Cracked a better server and community with more servvers.

    I’m not saying to remove towny, but it’s a good idea to start another server with factions in it.

    Xavier, i haven’t seen a post about faction -.-

    #29318 Score: 0


    Dude I’d have to disagree on you with this one. I mean people have already established towns and such and are still working with them. It would be a hassle to suddenly convert to factions and make them have to fix up all the work again since its based in Towny. On top of that its already been noted (as Xavier said and yes I’ve seen it) that the answer to switch to Factions is a NO. Finally I personally and a lot of other players like Towny better than Factions.

    #29320 Score: 0

    14 pts

    U really don’t get me,


    #29321 Score: 0


    Take into account that this is not the normal minecraft server. The normal minecraft server is download the software run it done. This however is a public server. Starting a new server will require more than you just downloading software into a computer and running it. It calls for new equipment, new parts, new builds (MONEY) and on top of that more staff and such to monitor such servers. As far as I know EC has been getting lots of suggestions recently but because of maintenance and a skeletal crew (unsure on skeletal crew however but heard about this), most suggestions cannot happen till later.

    #29322 Score: 0

    14 pts

    WTF dude, are u high today???

    Born bought a dedicated hosting server and he can make a lot of server for free cause he boguht dedicated hosting: If u don’t know wtf this is: Go google it.

    No Shit, Ever Server needs mods, U don’t say bro…. It won’t be a very hard decision to make that and it can be solved easily with the trust of old mods from survival, and other servers

    Public Server, No mater what, U don’t need more equipemt, parts, or money. This can actually help born raise MONEY for the server and keep it alive for a longer time.

    Last note: learn about hosting server. I think u only tried those home hosted servers. COMANY HOSTED have CONTROL PANELS WHICH AREN’t PAIN AT ALL.

    #29323 Score: 0


    Dude honestly sorry man but I didn’t know. I’m knowing this from limited knowledge. I didn’t know Born had this stuff and on top of that you don’t have to be so harsh when I’m just trying to state something. Sure I said something wrong but damn man what the heck. No need to be harsh. I made a mistake jeez.

    On top of that I’m stating this from previous server knowledge. I thought EC ran on the same type of server as a previous server I played on. If I’m wrong then sorry for the inconvenience but you don’t have to answer back in a way where you are stating that I’m HIGH.

    #29325 Score: 0

    14 pts

    I deal with people like this around daily…..

    Im surprised that u didn’t know this stuff and just went out blubbering ur own facts and just saying no….. There are many types of servers running from pc, hosted, home and etc…..

    Now, since it’s over, i would like to appoligize to u for calling u “high”. Delt with people like this before…. Please give ur vote for a Yes or no and support it with a reason. thanks ~wither

    #29326 Score: 0


    If we do have factions we should have it in a different warp like survival is towny and factions is factions lol and lately i have been playin a SUPER OP server with bedrock and pro x it’s fun but sometimes i feel like town and factions so EC should have both! but remember if u do this born in the faction server chest have to be unlocked or u can do crap and is pointless

    #29327 Score: 0

    14 pts

    -.- people are really cofused about this.

    I AM STATING: For born to make a New server at spawn in the lobby when u just login to have a sign that says FACTION. This will make another Server that is just meant for FACTIONS PVP.

    It will also be convience for players to play towny and then transfer to factions without any hassle.

    The point about factions is to NOT have lwc. Chest have to be unlocked because that is part of factions and raiding to destroy chests. You need to build and incresae defense to protect ur base and ur tresures.

    #29329 Score: 0


    Wither I’d say Yes but in the situation of the server at the moment right now I’d say No since it seems there is a lot of stuff the mod team seems to be dealing with at the moment. However I’d like to see the contrast of it with another server for factions since it would be interesting.

    And yea I don’t mean to piss you off with what I said. But this is what I’m sticking with.

    #29330 Score: 0

    14 pts

    ??? Again, there are Many mod teams for each server. Survival, Creative, Arenas, SuperSmash.

    Survival is Fine,
    Creative is Fine,
    arenas is being fixed,
    SuperSmash is fine.

    we’ll let mods decide on the FINAL Desicion

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