Borntown Wanting Member and Applying for Assistant


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This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Wither 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #21426 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Borntown have lost in the popularity of the town. But not to fear, we still have a chance to catch up. We are still recovering from a towny error that left residents kicked out, plots griffed up and waiting for born to rollback those areas back up.


    I am here to look for members who are experienced with towny and are trusted. I mean that these players have been playing for a certain amount of time such as months or weeks. I need them to be loyalty and i need some assistants who would dedicate most of their time helping the town and adding in more members. I would be glad if any members would like to join my town and help.


    NOTE: I can make u assistant, and if u griff, i can replace all block, but u can’t replace ur own ban for griffing. So you better be serious,  and i need a good player

    #21434 Score: 0


    Yeah i just had an assistant abuse his Powers not fun especally to the mayor and assistant so BE SERIOUS! not fun for him the smallest BIT

    #21440 Score: 0


    Well, I certainly apply for assistant with my Alt, OmegaY. You if all people Wither know that I am experienced and very trustworthy. I am constantly mayor of FarmVille (switch with U1T1MATE), I am a assistant of the biggest town (which I made the biggest, I know how to add residents), aka HappyTown. I have run all these positions in towny, so have experience, and I have never gotten in trouble with any of these towns, and am very trustworthy. If you will let my alt, OmegaY be assistant, mail me or MSG me at OmegaX. Thanks!

    #21457 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Omega u are approved for applying into our town, when u see me online remember to remind me. I seriously do sort of need help. Our town won’t fall cause we got huge melon farms and also MANY xp farms… So yeah i am not sure, but we need to fix LAG issue here and there and need some residents out of our town.


    I am saying, we are not organized and i am trying my best to but my homework is affecting me real bad these times… So i need to fix on weekeds OKIE?

    #21926 Score: 0

    14 pts

    BUMP: we need more people to help our town… :(

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