Bowl of Bugs


Home Forums Prison Reports Bowl of Bugs

This topic contains 22 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Artoriel 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #109884 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Notice for HeadMods: You are suppose to test each plugin before you add it to a server. This goes directly for PR Mods.

    1. Bounty is what you guys failed at. There are many bugs and you guys would even ban people for bribing.

    Is Prison really a server that allows scamming? You can’t lure people to do /ci or even bribe them. #no #nope #cod

    Bounty has bugs such as:
    -abusable with alts
    -abusable during events
    -Forces everyone to participate whether you like it or not
    -if you do /bounty to see the command, good luck with your cooldown

    One of your moderators even voted down for this idea, I guess opinions from mods and members don’t matter at all.

    2. Dodgeball

    – takes forever to start
    – not everyone is fully healed before entering arena
    – does not have food during the game
    – players on the same team can kill each other


    – game delays with over 10 minute wait time

    They broadcasted 3 seconds, and flipped the lever. Nice job…


    Moderators like to ignore members and you have to call them out over 2 times. Then you are accused for spamming.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  Wither.
    #109886 Score: 0

    12 pts

    WitherPlayMc, is you haven’t knew it! Bounty is in testing mode.
    So you’ve failed to see that yet..

    ” One of your moderators even voted down for this idea, I guess opinions from mods and members don’t matter at all. ” Do you know what you just said right there? One Mod? You got to be joking? Bree, was the only one who said it was unfair.
    Now I would agree with you if Bounty was a few days old. But it’s not even a day old yet. Why you got to blame the Mods for something they can’t do ASAP?

    ClockSpeed was the one whom added the plugin today and he had things to irl. So he didn’t have all the time in the world.. To config and fix up the plugin it. He even said to report any bugs if needed.

    ” -abusable during events ” How? Half of our event’s you can die / be killed in.

    ” -abusable with alts ” ClockSpeed said it would’ve been abused.

    ” -Forces everyone to participate whether you like it or not ” Don’t understand what you mean by that.

    ” – takes forever to start ” You can’t rush the Mod Hoster to speed things up just for you.. What the heck he / she could host the event in the next 30mnis for all he / she cared. If you can’t join the Event, then thats just bad luck, sorry to say. If you can’t wait for the Event that the Mod is going to host. Then thats not there prob. What if he / she is really helpin someone? Like.. If I said Oh hey dude.. Umm I know this is a bad time and all.. But could you help me out with this command, bug and etc. You never know what it could be.

    ” – not everyone is fully healed before entering arena ”
    You should be already healed when you join the event.
    If not then you should msg / ask for some food or to be healed.

    ” – does not have food during the game ” The event does have food. Almost at the other team’s side there is melons you can get.

    ” – players on the same team can kill each other ” There is no one to blame right here, becuase if you get in someone’s fire you will get hit. There is not a way to fix that tbh. I mean you’re just having fun.

    ” – game delays with over 10 minute wait time ” Like I said before, Mods might be helping others and etc. Just don’t rush the Hoster.

    This one is funny. Good thing you said about this.

    ” Moderators like to ignore members and you have to call them out over 2 times. Then you are accused for spamming. ” Funny! You yourself ignored me two times already. I told you to like and deal with my MG Report last night and what you did? Oh wait I forgot…. Nothing.
    I’ve told you to warn someone in game Faction for saying ” Fk you Tavon ” And what you did again… Damm I forgot.. Oh yeah, Nothing.
    You’re a Mod you have your ways of getting proof so why didn’t you get the proof that I didn’t had? I didn’t have my proof becuase you was sitting right there ignoring that Player, that shows that you don’t have the time to do a command and warn someone.

    #109889 Score: 0

    20 pts

    I actually agree with you on this one wither, if I’m going to be forced to evade a whole server of people trying to kill me, how the hell am I supposed to do other things? Your other points are good as well, nice one Wither! (No sarcasm)

    #109895 Score: 0

    41 pts

    “-Forces everyone to participate whether you like it or not”
    Put as many bounties on my head as you all want to, I’m not going to get killed by somebody unless a mod teleports me to a PvP area, which would be abuse.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  megaseth. Reason: Mistake
    #109899 Score: 0

    14 pts

    WitherPlayMc, is you haven’t knew it! Bounty is in testing mode.
    So you’ve failed to see that yet..

    The posts does not say it was testing. Testing is to be done outside the server, and you don’t test a plugin while banning players… logic proven

    Tavon, I really like the way you answer all my concerns, but you are making assumptions and your not helping at all.

    You gave me a report on factions that does not exist in the chat. I told you 2 times and you thought I ignored you. I asked you for proof and you ignored me. I suggest you reread and double check what’s going on.

    When i was raiding you, you reported this issue to me. I took my time off and scrolled up my entire chat and saw nothing about “fck tavon” It’s considered trolling since you do not have proof and distracted me awhile attacking me ingame with your weapons. We actually have rules for this.

    Factions does not provide any proof for you. Our evidence is confidential and not release to the public randomly. We usually don’t offer refunds unless there is clear evidence and a problem with the server. Our job is not to give you evidence, but to use the evidence you provide to ban hackers, and give proper punishment to people that breaks the rule.

    Mg Part:
    Im part of like a backup Mg Mod, Not a full mg mod. Im here to assist any time: ban hackers: and deal with some reports.

    -Spammers and people cursing cannot be warned offline. Moderators really cannot do much unless they are online. They also speak another language besides english and it’s hard to communicate.
    -Your video was not enough proof to meet my requirements. I do analyze videos before banning. You were lagging in the video and you only showed when they were pvping you. I looked at your videos, but did not make any judgement…

    I’ll be nice and still accept your “fk you Tavon” report.
    Waiting since the raid of your base, still waiting…..

    This explains why you aren’t a mod. You think warnings and bans aren’t taken seriously. You just want to complain when you don’t have proof, and blame mods. Feel free to, and Wither is still here.

    #109901 Score: 0

    12 pts

    ” This explains why you aren’t a mod. ” This has nothing to do with me being a Mod. In fact there is no need to pull that up here.

    ” You just want to complain when you don’t have proof, ”
    I’m not complaining I only ask you to your job as a Mod.

    ” and blame mods ” Tell me something. When was the last time I ever blame a Mod for something?

    ” I’ll be nice and still accept your “fk you Tavon” report. ” I can take it, in fact people can say it to me all day long, I won’t even care. People can say whatever the heck they want about me.

    ” -Your video was not enough proof to meet my requirements ” I don’t have a Super god PC so I can’t record at 50Fps heck I wish I could. And tell me what are your requirements? I would like to know.

    ” I looked at your videos, but did not make any judgement… ” Why do I need too? Aren’t you a Mod right? You’re the Judge.

    ” Im part of like a backup Mg Mod, Not a full mg mod. Im here to assist any time: ban hackers: and deal with some reports. ” Nice lie, you surly didn’t deal with my report.

    ” It’s considered trolling since you do not have proof and distracted me awhile attacking me ingame with your weapons. We actually have rules for this. ” Would you srsly think I would troll you..
    A Player Vs a Headmod.. Who wins there.
    Plus my Reports are no trolls nor jokes.

    ” The posts does not say it was testing. Testing is to be done outside the server, and you don’t test a plugin while banning players… logic proven ”

    Like I said before ClockSpeed, was busy atm and went a head and added the Plugin, told the People in game to Report any Bugs, and ofc this happ’s with all new plugs they add in EC.

    I see you like to bring up very old like stuff at me. So is you have anything else to say to me you know where I always be. And you have my Skype.

    #109902 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Tavon, just stop or you’re gonna end up at a bad place.

    #109903 Score: 0

    14 pts

    You tried to make a point here, and deny it saying that you can take the disrespect.

    Let’s get straight to the point here,

    When i was raiding you, you reported this issue to me. I took my time off and scrolled up my entire chat and saw nothing about “fck tavon” It’s considered trolling since you do not have proof and distracted me awhile attacking me ingame with your weapons. We actually have rules for this.

    Wanna deny it?

    WitherPlayMc, is you haven’t knew it! Bounty is in testing mode.
    So you’ve failed to see that yet..

    The posts does not say it was testing. Testing is to be done outside the server, and you don’t test a plugin while banning players… logic proven

    This TOO! Wanna deny it???

    Stop acting like a mod, you clearly are not one and lowered your chances even more. You don’t get to make these decision and tell a mod what to do.

    Special Note: You can prove me wrong if you bring that piece of evidence out here. I can deal with real evidence, not just words from a player.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  Wither.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  Wither.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  Wither.
    #109907 Score: 0

    20 pts

    ^ I think wither has won here.

    #109909 Score: 0

    12 pts

    I’m not that guy who would keep a fight and still keep fighting.
    I like to be friends with everyone in EC, but to you seem you don’t want that. So I will just stop it or whatever, I will keep doing what I’ve always been doing.

    And about those Reports. Don’t worry about that I will just report to someone else next time.

    In fact you can talk to ClockSpeed really.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  2Federal.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  2Federal.
    #109918 Score: 0


    Tavon, we all know pr is your main server but dude, they messed up

    #109928 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Right, if 1 player put a extremely high bounty on you, and you don’t want to pvp or die, there can be people that bullies you and start disrespecting you.

    This is why a toggle of bounty should be added. Toggle on /off

    Thanks Tavon for stopping. I still accept reports anytime.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  Wither.
    #109933 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Tavon, if you haven’t realized, you initiated the argument. So, wither feels inclined to defend his points.

    #109935 Score: 0

    2 pts

    [Wither] said:
    “1. Bounty is what you guys failed at. There are many bugs and you guys would even ban people for bribing.”

    We might remove that bribing rules, but the rule is pretty much to prevent this one: “-abusable with alts”

    “-abusable during events”

    Fixed. It is only enabled in Prison world now, not the world where events are, nor freedom.

    “-Forces everyone to participate whether you like it or not”

    That is pretty much the point of the system. Toggling might be enabled soon, but you will have to pay everytime you toggle it off.

    “-if you do /bounty to see the command, good luck with your cooldown”

    Fixing on progress…

    “Moderators like to ignore members and you have to call them out over 2 times. Then you are accused for spamming.”

    PM me the Moderator names on Skype. I will sort that out.

    Regarding Dodgeball and Trivia hosting problems, I will try to make a “Fix” rules on hosting them.

    #109962 Score: 0

    7 pts

    I agree that tavon initiated the argument. As Wither placed the post in Reports section. Which means he is “strictly” reporting things that are not right.

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