Bowl of Bugs


Home Forums Prison Reports Bowl of Bugs

This topic contains 22 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  Artoriel 9 years, 8 months ago.

Viewing 8 posts - 16 through 23 (of 23 total)
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  • #110009 Score: 0


    Wowow, tavon, you seriously are asking for a gun bullet to get through your head at the age of 12… Congratulations!!!

    Next time, think twice before accusing, nice try wasting Tito’s 24 hours…

    Now, it is clear that Wither in the Proposition has won, and that ClockSpeed has provided the appropriate solutions to the respective individual issues:

    #Issue Solved

    #Close This Topic Please

    P.S. Tavon… 1 last reminder, has your brain been infected with mercury? Has your mother been eating too much Poisoned Salmon while you were a Foetus? Because from your Language used and your tone… you are practically the WORST ‘Dumbass’ here -.- fix that asap or get lost and Die in Saudi Arabia -.- its now very clear thag 99.999% of the server doesnt welcome you anymore… (Sarcasm Intended…)

    #110012 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Now you guys see what I’ve to deal with everyday.

    #110013 Score: 0


    No no no, let me repharse your sentence…

    Now you can see what all of us has to endure from your dumbass (infected?) brain during every second…

    #110017 Score: 0

    1 pt

    End this right here, right now.

    Melee49 this is unacceptable, saying somebody is asking for a bullet to the head is like saying he should kill himself. Keep this up and severe consequences will be taken. You have been warned.

    @Tav Don’t let it get to your head too much.

    #110018 Score: 0


    Alright fine, i am already tired, it is now 12.43am… But still he himself is unacceptable anyway… Ask him to change first, before our opinion changes… Common sense and logic proven…

    #110019 Score: 0


    Also, issue solved, please close this topic please?

    #110020 Score: 0


    -.- all my edit buttons are glitched out and gone

    Thank you very much for closing this topic (Future Sight)

    #110021 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Issues have been solved.

    Topic Closed.

    Eres, please don’t start a flame. Re-read the forum rules :)

Viewing 8 posts - 16 through 23 (of 23 total)

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