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This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by 2Federal 10 years, 4 months ago.
Remembered this from an old reply of mine.
Box PVP: Basically a box of whatever block but enclosed and small. Like 16×16 more or less enough space so you dont die instantly. How to make it function properly? No plugin, just command blocks and redstone mechanics. Theory: Tp sign to a lobby of it(maybe more than 1 game) select game, 4 signs, 1 for each corner of the map or random select one. Spawn with some items in the box, for example a sword, food, some armor and what not. When you join the game set spawnpoint to the the games corner selection and to go out, set players spawnpoint to the normal spawn’s coordinates and kills player.
I could make the idea in Singleplayer and give a link to download if you think its a good idea and headmods approve.
If someone wants to make a plugin of it feel free XDThank you!! :3 :3
I think that’s a good idea because it seems so unique and different to other forms of pvp, but this time you’re in a box which gives you limited time and limited areas to hit before death. It will also be easy to catch hackers if they have kill aura/force field because its a tiny box, and the kill aura guy will probably kill everyone.
I like this please do make a singleplayer map avalible for download
It’s a nice idea and you could easily catch a hacker like what Rogue said.
@PirateBooty @Rogue_Art Yes it would be simple to catch any kind of hacker but it will rage the people getting killed and probably let some people who were “victims of hacks” leave the server…
@Skipper7478 Box PvP might not be a good idea because we like to put games with plugins ( So we can have less erors and simplest to set up ) . Plus, redstone may cause lag because mg1 and mg2 handles lots of minigames in one time. But the mod team will discuss it over. Thanks for the idea 😀
The idea is pretty cool but as AgentLOLz said people can just rage quit but not leave the server thats too exagerated i dont know if thats the correct word
ok what have they said? xd
@Banana_ will do
well AgentLOLz_ is right it can have a lot of lag and make players leave the game I can see that now 3months ago we had about 270players online now we have 120players online so if we made something like this we will have like 70players online at times and mods don’t relly have time for making more games right now bc we are having some updates comeing in a week or two so yea if we even did this we will have bugs to fix then some high rank mods wont be online at the time bc of school and etc so we if do this the mods will have to wait for some months from now
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