Bridges in Minigames


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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  BearPVP 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #110503 Score: 0


    I was thinking of a new mini game called bridges Mostly a lot of you have probaly heard of bridges, Bridges is like gathering resources and Waiting for the bridges to come down, I don’t want it like that I want a little creative one like When it starts you can race to the mid And grab Diamond the diamond will re pop up when mined after 30 seconds. you could have brewing stands for Gold and make many many rules Instead Its gonna be like Capture the flag too The player starts with (leather gear with their color team) x1 Wooden pick x1 wooden shoevel x1 wooden axe and x1 stone sword x1 sheres shears are for to break the wool of the other team and take it back to their wool without getting killed if they get killed they lose the flag and it returns back to its home. There could be classes too Vip classes and you could use your EC credits to buy new classes there could be very expensive classes for like 1000 credits because it would be so helpful. Like the Idea?

    #110506 Score: 0

    13 pts

    1000% Super 1 Quadrillion agree.

    I want to suggest this minigame but I’m too lazy to make a topic about it.

    #110508 Score: 0

    41 pts

    I’ll agree on this, played it on other servers and it’s really fun, even when your own team tries killing you.

    #110542 Score: 0


    I played it on another server but it didn’t have capture the flag with it
    thats why i think its a great idea

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