Brother got me in trouble. -_-


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Brother got me in trouble. -_-

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  LeoAngle 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #8815 Score: 0


    Ok one. Hi LeoAngle here brother of skyrimfan99. Hes the one that got in trouble. Also why would Igive him my acount for something  that got him off the server. I had nothing to do with this. Just because im his brother doesnt mean that I would do anything to stop me from being on the server I love it there/ So plz unban me.

    #8818 Score: 0


    Also it was little glich. It made nothing worse so i dont see how banning us and a couple of people he kew was right. Yeah we knew him. Yes we knew the glich and yes we are all sorry thast he did it. None of us did it other then him. But he feels really bad that he got everyone else introuble too. He is even trying to fix it for us and for hime. Sooo yeah only thing i forgot from the first post,.


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