Bug and/or Glitch???


Home Forums Creative Help! Something oopsd! Bug and/or Glitch???

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  ‎牧野 つくし 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #26578 Score: 0

    ‎牧野 つくし

    Soo, this has been happening to me sometime and it’s really getting annoying, right when it says server restarting, and i log out right after, i always come back being dead. Death message: justinwag2345 fell out of the world or something like that, some mod said i had fly on when i logged off but i did on the first time and the second time, i didn’t have any fly on at all… May i have my most important stuff back at least? my god bow, pro4 set, a god sword, 42 slime balls and 29 leads? if it is my fault i died, that’s ok :( but if it was a glitch or bug, may i please have these items back?

    #26587 Score: 0

    ‎牧野 つくし

    I also noticed i lost my 3 god picks, i wasted so many levels on them and a bug just ruins it :l 2 silk touch picks and 1 fortune pick, if i could get my stuff back, only these items, i dont care about the other items just these pieces of equipment i would really be happy

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