Bug Report


Home Forums Prison Reports Bug Report

This topic contains 6 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Own7ge 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #108107 Score: 0


    English:I’ve been in prison in the area where is the public ovens when I realized that someone was behind me trying to break the door, ignore and follow cooking,when you review my ovens there was nothing there.I discovered that they steal what is in the chest and breaking the door before reaparesca the door open the menu of the microwave stealing what there is inside,not only happened to me also to many users more

    Español:En prision en la zona donde se encuentra el hornos públicos cuando me di cuenta de que alguien estaba detrás de mí tratando de romper la puerta, ignorar y seguir cocinando,cuando revise mi hornos allí no había nada.he descubierto que se roban lo que está en el pecho y romper la puerta antes reaparesca la puerta abra el menú de la microondas robar lo que hay adentro, no sólo me ha pasado a mí también a muchos usuarios más

    #108108 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Use this to upload Pics


    #108111 Score: 0


    From what I’ve heard the mods or admins can’t fix this bug but you can report the player that is behind you because they are abusing a bug or glitch

    (You can report by doing a screenshot of the player in action, uploading it in imgur and then make a report about it with the link to the picture included)

    ~May the Force Forke be with you!~

    #108121 Score: 0


    English: Wow, dual Languages, this is what is expected of anyone. Nice work dude.

    Anyway just provide soild evidence, such as a screenshot or a video, and the mods will ban that player and refund you accordingly.

    Español: Wow, Idiomas dual, esto es lo que se espera de cualquier persona. Niza tipo de trabajo. De todos modos simplemente aportar pruebas soild, como una captura de pantalla o un vídeo, y los mods prohibirán ese jugador y le devolveremos.

    (Used google translate for this -.-)

    #108159 Score: 0

    1 pt

    There is no obvious way to fix this bug… It’s either it gets fixed in FFS by putting double doors or COMEPLETELY rebuilding the furnace area… I’m quite disappointed to still see this happening when it was said to be fixed…

    #108179 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Actually, this may be hacks. I remember a long time ago, when ClockSpeed was admin, some guy was using hacks that allowed him to phase through the wall.

    However, I think he’s confused. I think he left the furnace room, thinking itd stay closed, but it doesn’t.

    #108771 Score: 0


    This is a bug, Anyone Abusing this gets a tempban, But you need proof. Anyways if I see you in-game I’ll give you 2 stacks Diamonds.

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