Builder Mod App


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications Builder Mod App

This topic contains 10 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  BananaKing105 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #107279 Score: 0


    In-game names used: primus1213
    Experience: Faction Builder Mod
    The Server you are applying for: Prison
    How Often you are Online: Almost Daily
    Why you want to become mod: I simply want to build cool stuff for the server.

    #107280 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Vote Down

    -Poor Mod app
    -I think There is not a Rank Builder. Well there is but you can’t get it like this.
    -Don’t report much.
    +Active in game.

    #107283 Score: 0


    Tavon it isnt a mod app. He wants to apply as a builder and improve the prison structures. After all, he is an amazing builder ;P

    #107285 Score: 0


    Well if you are talking about why you want to become a mod part

    there simply is not much to tell i just want to build stuff for the server
    i have zero interest in modding it.

    and for dont report much again i have no interest in modding the server

    i simply want to build cool stuff for the server and thats what i am best at i have no interest in doing anything els thats why i sead builder mod if there is not a rank for that make one? like in factions lol

    #107300 Score: 0


    Vote up

    +active lately
    +always positive
    +grown enough
    +good experiences
    +awesome builder
    -sometimes he be unactive for a while

    #107301 Score: 0

    Vote Up
    -he Got Awesome Skills and crazy thoughts
    – i saw what he built in survival 2 years ago , and came and saw da new thing called /warp xp
    -Other reasons are stated by zko

    #107304 Score: 0


    hehe im just unactive sometimes because minecraft alone cant hold my attention for long periods of time + when the server was hacked and deleted i was working on a new survival spawn and the builder world did not save my work i got frustrated and dident come back for a while

    #107306 Score: 0

    20 pts

    There’s no such thing as a “builder application” I’m pretty sure a HeadMod needs to select you on their own.

    #107307 Score: 0


    ahh well if there is hey im here 😛 just thought i should put this here for safe keeping

    #107308 Score: 0


    Well good luck if there is primus. May you join (potentially) join the builder Group 😮 😀 !

    #107309 Score: 0

    5 pts

    No such thing as “builder mod apps”. Sorry about that.

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

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