bummer ban appeal


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal bummer ban appeal

This topic contains 18 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  Aidan Nye 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #100918 Score: 0


    who: idk
    When: idk
    Why: “hacks”
    why should i get unbanned : because i wasn’t hacking on that video and..i was just spinning . that’s normal i was hitting and scrolling…. so no one can hit me from behind …

    #100923 Score: 0

    20 pts

    The golden rule of PvP is never turn your sensitivity to hyper speed. Didn’t know that, eh? If the video was enough proof, odds are you’re lying.

    #100939 Score: 0


    So I guess you ign is bummer right?

    No one is able to turn that fast and hit everyone without taking damage or knockback.

    Yes, I didn’t watch the video cause I don’t know which topic it’s in.

    You need to give a more detailed question of why you were not hacking.

    #100949 Score: 0


    I wasn’t hacking because I don’t want to be banned, plus if I was hacking I would jump to him and kill him I won’t stay on the line as I did and we were 2 vs 1

    Thanks ..

    #100950 Score: 0


    I played at this server more than year and a half and this is the first report I’ve ever had just because we told everyone that he tpa kill and lure he wanted to ban us ..

    #100951 Score: 0


    well that’s the first time i see him Posting something , i mean this is the first ban appeal that he made , and maybe yah BO2 hate us cuz we rekt him and kicked him out of the town and his plot , becuz of personal stuff

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by  _Zko7_.
    #100972 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Will you 2 stop spamming the forums?

    #100973 Score: 0

    14 pts

    First. There is no golden rule for pvp.

    Second, a ban appeal is not the 4 w’s. Use the ban appeal

    #100975 Score: 0

    20 pts

    I guess I made that one up wither .-. The point I was trying to get across was you can get banned if your sensitivity is up to hyperspeed, it resembles kill aura, I’ve done it in singleplayer on accident before, by changing sensitivity instead of another setting .-.

    #100976 Score: 0


    You do use hacks, keep denying. I don’t think he should be banned for awhile because he has been hacking for quite awhile and it took me some time to catch him. Also, his appeal is rushed which doesn’t improve his situation. He overreacted. Well in the first place he should’ve thought about consequences. Although he’s been caught obviously, he doesn’t admit it. Full of pride, something I can’t take from people like him.

    #101017 Score: 0


    bummer and _zko7_ should have another chance
    U had been caught hacking too BO2… no?
    Or you ll claim again that Rogue_Art is a liar or abuser?

    #101019 Score: 0


    ^Mis caught hacking, never hacked never will. I know the rules. Pirate they’ve had many chances like Beast and ander said. The only reason why you’re defending _zko7_ and his brother is because he is in your town. I never said/claimed Rogue was a liar or an abuser. And that makes no sense. Your interrogating me…

    #101020 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Bummer can have another chance, but not zko and his brother.

    they have been hacking in the past and other reports of them are still showing. I wonder why?

    #101021 Score: 0

    20 pts

    I agree with Wither.

    #101022 Score: 0

    wither, i dont think that he can be banned, his brothers can just log into bummer’s account and start hacking again.

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