Bummer ban appeal
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This topic contains 9 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Aidan Nye 9 years, 10 months ago.
in game : bummer
Server: survival
Who banned you : AidenNye
why you do you think you should be unbanned: EternalCraft gives everyone another chance either way if I hacked or not and when Riverrunner gave me my other chance AidenNye banned me again I don’t know for what but I know that I have the right to get the other chance and thank you.
He revoked your unbanning because you lied.. Also, AidanNye can override river, he’s a higher rank than river.
“I don’t know for what but I know that I have the right to get the other chance and thank you.”
Well you were banned on the server for Kill Aura.
But you were re-banned because in your ban appeal you lied/mislead moderators
“why should i get unbanned : because i wasn’t hacking on that video”
Im yet to work out if thats i wasnt hacking or i wasnt hacking at the time but what is clear after reviewing the footage today befor i unbanned sko was that you were using kill aura.
In response to second chances they are not a right in no way.
There are a privilege which moderators do not have to grant.
So unless you have a good reason other than its your right you will remain banned.
i’m all for second chances and thus i will leave this topic open to your or other members responses.
Headmoder AidanNye (AidanNye)I was hacking and am not going to hack again because I don’t wanna lose all what I did from a years and thanks .
Oh, so now you admit it? I don’t think you should be unbanned, you obviously said that in an attempt to overturn the mess you’re already in, besides, the other day you begged and begged me to PvP you, and when I said “no” you said “haha scared” well news flash!: People use a thing called towny, which is way more fun than PvP!
Ander he said he used hacks in the time on the video and in the past days but after he got unbanned he wasn’t hacking so he wasn’t hacking when he told u to pvp so stop making excuses of denying his duel or something also u was banned for hacks for about 4-5 times …. says the flashy shinning hacker and this is his first ban not his 5th ban appeal mind ur own business before talking about other ppl u are xrayer hacker ……. u also said those same things to me when i was banned and i was right and when i got unbanned cuz i wasn’t hacking u changed ur mind and kept saying that i didn’t hack … so be on one side not both …….. i cant understand what side u are on ……… at least make ur opinion more clear
note : sorry for my bad English
I think you should stay banned.
First of all, EternalCraft does give 2nd chances but no extra chance.
@_Zko7_ I think BO2 recorded bummer hacking. He was using “Kill Aura” while you didn’t.
Beast i meant 1st chance cuz ec usually give a chance if it was ur first time to be banned and bummer never was banned this is his first time so aidenNye just re Opened the last case so bummer has just been banned for 1 time in his all ec life since 2012 so my opinion as RiverRunner600 said 1 chance wont hurt……..in his last comment
and i agree with him [ my opinion ]
ander count faction ban appeal with it like u did to me …. and bummer was banned once not even twice like u …….
Afc Aidan can do that and I never said he can’t also if ur sick of noobs just stop arguing okie ? And yes his my brother and I am not trying to just get him unbanned I’m just saying as everyone had a chance he should at least have cuz it’s not fair for a guy to be banned for hacking for his first time and other ppl …. Is banned twice or more and they still have a chance and he don’t …. At the end at lest I have a reason of why should he be unbanned and his my brother if u were in the same situation I bet u would do the same don’t denie it … And please stop arguing with me a lot cuz it seems like spamming
This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by
Stop posting stuff that has nothing to do with bummers ban appeal in this topic please or i will continue to remove it.
That means nothing about ander or anyone else except bummer.
Head Moderator AidanNye -
This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by
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