Bypassing Ban


Home Forums Minigames Ban Appeal Bypassing Ban

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Pie 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #62918 Score: 0


    Sorry for im bypassing ban can you unbanned me i never do that again! I got ban in Survival Server! Monday. I got banned By Pie_master073

    #62924 Score: 0


    Your Ban Appeal must follow this template ↓.

    Full In-Game name (With the right caps):
    Who banned you:
    Why you were banned (or the message you get when you try and login):
    When you were banned (e.g yesterday, 1 hour ago, right now):
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Which server you’re banned from (e.g lobby, survival):

    Good Luck

    #62925 Score: 0


    As @dr4gon1234 said:

    You must follow the template.
    Don’t be too excited because this lowers the chance of you to be unbanned.

    #62930 Score: 0



    #62955 Score: 0


    First off, you didn’t use the template, which is the first requirement. Second, Still told me you bypassed as Trizcon and in the logs I could see that you did admit to him that you were Trizcon. You could’ve just appealed as Trizcon and asked for forgiveness and maybe get unbanned, but by bypassing you may have lost that chance.

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