My name is FattyCantRun,
So yesterday Caleb start making jokes about Cancer and thats just offensive and rude to everyone , I told him that its not cool to make jokes about cancer , He got mad and told me to shut up and what not, there are some screenshots made of this by Mongus ( great job ) so after a long conversation I got muted by ” BlueLego10 ” to stop it, This was really power abusing because I did nothing wrong didn’t use any bad words I was being normal and nice after he did such things, So i made a screenshot about BlueLego10 abusing his /mute , he didn’t warn me he just did it and he was on skype with ButterNinja and Caleb they probably told him to mute me because I was telling the truth and saying that Caleb will get banned soon, so .. after all this Butterninja still complaining about me that I have to get over it , but I won’t I’m really mad and when you can’t behave there need to be consequences.
Share this and please do something about this.
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