Caleb's Ban Appeal


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This topic contains 16 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  Kevin77555 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #50800 Score: 0


    Hey guys this is butter ninja making an ban appeal for my brother Caleb here’s the appeal and hope you enjoy!! xD
    In-game name CalebIsDaBoss123
    Why you have been banned:Being Rude,Picking Fights with People
    Where you are banned Survival
    Who banned you:skills641 I think
    Why you should be unbanned: we’ll I think I should be unbanned because we’ll I don’t know how to say it but, everyone deserves a second chance and why is because < and he said he was Very sorry and every day he says can you tell them to unbanned me so I feel bad. He is very sorry, he will never say anything rude again, If so, mark my word. He should Be PERM Banned and never get unbanned again, so please Do what goes with you and thank you for taking your time to read this, if there is some spelling errors, I’m on my phone at Caleb’s Xmas concert so I’m on a iPhone 5 AND or it could just be my grammar xDxDxDxDxD ok Thanks, Bye!! See you in game,Fourms,Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    #50805 Score: 0


    One more chance for you, if you keep on being a rude Caleb, I say ban again..but for now….
    One more chance.

    #50810 Score: 0


    ^^^ Second Chance Vote UP

    #50813 Score: 0


    FOr now vote down. Get him to make his own ban appeal if he really wanna be unbanned

    #50814 Score: 0


    eh, all tho what he said was VERY hurtfull, making jokes about the stuff he was talking about was not very funny at all, but, like they have been saying, its only like a joke, so he should be given another chance, BUT, if he had ever made theses jokes again, PERM BAN
    but other then tat vote up!

    #50816 Score: 0


    Yeah and btw we couldn’t make an account 4 him cause all emails are “Used”

    #50817 Score: 0


    Vote Middle. Cancer jokes are immature and since friend of mine just got done recovering from it, its hard to forgive someone who does something like that.

    #50822 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Vote down. Making jokes about cancer is not something that will be taken lightly. Its rude, immature, and ignorant. Hope you learn form this experience that you cant do stuff like that.

    #50824 Score: 0


    I must say, why the fck did your brother make such a sick joke?

    #50858 Score: 0


    Vote down, he was very rude and making fun of cancer is mean.I don’t think he deserves a second chance and why don’t you ask your brother to make his on appeal.

    #50859 Score: 0


    VOTE DOWN Shows extreme immaturity while by making fun of cancer. Here is a little story that I don’t tell many people. Cancer runs in my blood and seems to hate me. My great grandmother recently died to cancer and my great aunt was diagnosed for the 2nd time. I lost a friend to cancer last year. It is pretty scary everyday knowing that cancer is in your blood and, soon, any day, any of your family can be diagnosed. You, your mom, dad, brother. And then there are people like him who treat it like it is absolutely nothing.

    #50863 Score: 0


    Sorry but VOTE DOWN!
    Improve the following
    -Being mature
    -Respecting anyone/EVERYONE!

    #50865 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Down, it is clear that making jokes about diseases arent funny, disrespecting people are part of the rules. You dont deserve a second chance.

    #50868 Score: 0


    Yeah it’s ashame

    #50869 Score: 0


    Xavier IDFK why he’s just ……….Caleb because no one we know had cancer do many he doesent understand what it actually is but I’m sure I know what it is

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