Calling All Builders Contest With Cash Prize


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This topic contains 10 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Macomatic 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #24844 Score: 0


    Hello, My name is Venomtech and recently i bought a 32×32 plot in my town. I plan to build a home in this plot but the problem is that I am having troubles building it. This will be a contest and the winner will receive 25k in ingame money. The only rules are that it must fit in a 32×32 area and are either some form of mansion or modern house. I will be the judge and you can take your entries of the internet if you wish. The deadline is June 23, 2013. Good Luck

    #24848 Score: 0


    In what format would you like submit it in? Screenshots?

    #24851 Score: 0

    Aidan Nye
    12 pts

    Do you have any fav biomes or material’s stone wood just anything you would prefer it to be made of “anything helps”
    Thing to think about
    Redstone things: Door’s, Lights, Hidden rooms, Auto Amoury, ect
    Spefic Rooms:Amoury, kitchen, collection’s, Basement, ect
    Restrictions: Limted Redstone, No more than … blocks, ect
    Anything else you can think of

    #24907 Score: 0


    Hey Guys,
    Thanks for the response. The answer to your question Wills is submit you entry with screenshots and a world download. To answer your question Aidan my plot is in a Jungle/River biome so try to avoid grass, tall grass, vines, leaves and basically anything that changes colour based on the biome. I am fine with doors lights and the idea of hidden rooms would be nice. Specific room would also be nice. Also remember that this home can be expanded infinetly downwards until bedrock. Also one small restriction is that i have 4 beacons in the very center of the plot at bedrock so please remember to have transparent blocks in the 4 blocks throught the center that won’t block the beacons. Blockwise any block is fine, but try no to use to much iron gold diamond and pretty much valuable blocks if you can. If you have any more questions please feel free to ask.

    #24911 Score: 0


    What kind of home are you looking for Venomtech? (Mansion, Castle, etc)

    #24914 Score: 0


    He had said a mansion or modern house Macomatic.

    #24918 Score: 0


    How do we show Venomtech our designs? I think i have an idea…..


    #24919 Score: 0


    As I said before screenshots and world downloads.

    #25094 Score: 0


    Hey guys remember the deadline is the 23rd of June. Good luck!!!

    #25273 Score: 0


    Hey Guys Remember the deadline is June 23rd!
    Good Luck

    #28120 Score: 0


    Yo venom, what happened to the contest?

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

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