Calling all OLD PLAYERS of EC!


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This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  FarmerK 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #67441 Score: 0


    I was looking through the forums and found that EC use to have a tekkit server. Unfortunately, it was too buggy and it was shut down and moved to another server. I was looking through that server and found out that it is DEAD. Yep. Once a good tekkit server, now a redundant, old, rusty wreck. (more info can be found here: ) . I wish EC could bring back Tekkit. It is more stable now. Born, please have another look over this. Thanks guys.

    -FarmerK F.T.W

    #67445 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Born replaced tekkit with MG server, I think. And yes, we used to have a Tekkit Server.

    #67450 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Tekkit is very hard to handle. It’s a bit different from normal servers and have a lot of problems. The crashes and other problems caused it to be shut down, but I joined the tekkit server couple times and people LOVED IT.

    #67455 Score: 0

    16 pts

    1. Tekkit server died and it got glitched so hard that born abandoned it
    2. The tekkit server had two branches, one branch was the unpopular one, which had the original map <3
    3. The other was another server, which ripped off the unpopular one, took their plugins and stuff, and made a new tekkit server
    4. Other mod packs might be better, like the new ones out there
    5. The tekkit server WAS AWESOME! It had everything you’d want, even a free diamond generator if you want :).

    #67480 Score: 0

    12 pts

    I remember the old Tekkit Server. I didn’t join it until somewhere around two months after it was released. It was really fun, Garn was a Guardian Moderator, I believe.

    #67482 Score: 0

    1 pt


    I Was the Maker of EC tekkit. And yes it was shutdown due to a lot more bugs than the mod team could/had time to handle. It got to the point where i was checking for errors whilst at school. Which is a bad thing as school is #important 😉
    I am interested in bringing tekkit back. However it will be fresh. it may be similar to tekkit. But will never be the Same. Add me on skype And ill tell you more.

    #67483 Score: 0



    I suggest that if tekkit does become a thing, it should replace minigames 2. MG2 should be merged with MG1. Also, the current tekkit (galagticraft one) is a lot more stable than tekkit classic. But, tekkit classic is more fun than the current tekkit. It’s your choice born. In addition, the technic launcher i’ve got is self-updating. So if you want me to put it on mediafire, tell me.


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