Can the hate stop or get off of me :/


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This topic contains 21 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  SinnersTestament 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #88140 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Gj gj you raided an unclaimed base!!! Omg people Tavon is an expert now!!! OMG breaking news tell wither!!!

    Get the point Tavon? I think you abused that bug too, I’m talking to wither about it asap.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by  AnderZENZ.
    #88151 Score: 0


    Great! Problem solved! Now stop spamming the forums about your 10 year old bickering and learn to play the game. Noone gives a flying crap about this besides the party involved. Go make a skype group and get this over with. I hate to break it to you (I actually don’t) but all this does is make everyone hate you more.

    #88152 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Guys.. No comment 😐
    Where is the “great, fun and friendly” community EC ever had, and that it still has?

    Tav, don’t pay too much attention for haters; you’ll always have more people who hate you than people who like you, anywhere, anytime.

    ~Drumming Dice {DD}

    #88153 Score: 0


    Agree with Beretta
    Stop making these topics all the times
    1 time is ok ,but not like 100 times.
    It’s freaking annoying,
    If you want to improve yourself,No need to make topics
    Instead,improve yourself without telling everyone
    Dont be like ”OH seeee,im improving”

    #88154 Score: 0


    @Beretta3 this is why you are my hero

    #88158 Score: 0


    K heres the only things i gotta say. Tavon you seem to be the only person tat does indeed do this. Hell, i have a lot of hate on me too and i don’t complain about it… ITS CALLED MOVED THE HELL ON! Also I think its karma getting back at you a bit. Because first of all kind of like tako said. This topic you made:

    So What i see from this topic is that you think us mods are perfect? You really don’t understand how hard it is to be a mod tavon. You really don’t. When own ranked up to K, hell he was forced to Mine in J mine for a while. SO HE DIDN’T EVEN COMPLAIN ABOUT IT. DID HE? NO! BUT YOU ARE! So Stop complaining about everything please, We all have our haters. And we choose what to do with these “Haters” So just move on.

    #88170 Score: 0


    Guys please just stop. He gets the point. There’s no point in going on and on. As dice said, I thought we were a great fun and friendly community. Tavon has his bad points, but we aren’t much better to be kicking his butt about it repeatedly.

    No Tavon I’m not standing up for you. I’m just doing what I think is right.

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