I should take 1% of the blame. I don’t have rules in my town… PEOPLE STILL FOLLOW MY STYLE OF RULES AND NO ONE BREAKS THEM THAT MUCH. Sean u griffed 4 diamodn blocsk, 4 gold block, Killerking’s house a lot of it, MrShtuffs House with a sign Glitch, and town blocks here and there. U are allowed to stay in the town, but u will never have the chance to be assistant for now. If u do make multiple accounts, i will kick u from town completely and NEVER get u assistant. I do forgive people and people forgive each other. PEOPLE DESERVE SECOND CHANCEs
i was pretty mad when i found out but i got the stuff back.
P.S. Nhu went to ur chest and took the items out so Sean u don;t expect to see any of those items again.
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