Can we have a new ore party time :/?


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This topic contains 10 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  takoballball 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #87381 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Like I said can we have a new oreparty time. Beucase I don’t see it fair for ppl to stay up at 10:10Pm on a school night + 90% of us don’t got the time to get on at that time so. can we move it to sunday or move the time for it because I highly think that this is just unfair for a lot of us.

    #87382 Score: 0


    Well Mods host them , They are like gifts so they make it any time they want but it’s 9:00 PM for me so im okay with it

    #87386 Score: 0


    From what i know, the first few ore parties were held at 1am at my timezone. I dont see you complaining but once it affects you, now u want to have it changed and have others suffer. Wherez the unfairness.
    Anyway i think theres gonna be 2 ore parties at different timing to cater to people from the opposite side of the world sooo yea

    #87394 Score: 0


    Tavon just suck it up please, I dont have a problem playing till 5am Even if it is a school night. Your not the center of attention here.

    #87395 Score: 0

    12 pts

    I just find it kinda of unfair :/ for most players that’s all.

    #87407 Score: 0


    What i suggest is having 2 round of ore event ad 2 different time

    #87422 Score: 0


    ^^ I go with TrevishX, but its a Mods decision, and if they make it Sunday it would be kind of better. Cause Monday I have school and the timing is 10:am where I live when the oreparty starts, but I wont complain cause I know it has happened to others before me so good luck all :) and happy ore party…

    #87497 Score: 0

    12 pts

    I just ask dark can we have a new time for it, lets see what he says.

    #87554 Score: 0

    12 pts


    #87559 Score: 0


    … Missing it no matter what, stuck in Okinawa, Japan…

    #87569 Score: 0


    “What i suggest is having 2 round of ore event ad 2 different time”
    I believe there is 2 round of ore event which is about +- 12hrs from each other
    “Anyway i think theres gonna be 2 ore parties at different timing to cater to people from the opposite side of the world sooo yea” similar to what i said.
    yea its confirmed

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  takoballball.
Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

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