Can't destroy anything in wildernes


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report Can't destroy anything in wildernes

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  ADCKnight 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #29927 Score: 0


    I was just trying to chop a wood and then i got this “You are not permited to destroy in wild”

    #29929 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Hello, this is some sort of glitch that happens to towny. It happens at random times to random people, though it is not very common. We do not know the source of this problem, though we are still trying to figure it out. My best advice to you is to wait for a restart. In case that does not fix it, try logging in with your name with the right caps on each letter, so let’s say your name is NaMe, you login as NaMe and not name. If that doesn’t fix it, well, I’m out of options.

    ExpertMod, deasertman

    #29930 Score: 0

    Or maybe you are using mods?

    #29935 Score: 0


    Try logging off and on.

    #29936 Score: 0


    Restart fixed it but thx anyway

    #29938 Score: 0


    Happend again and i can’t seem to fix it

    #30142 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Wait for a restart, but try not logging out before the restart happens. Empty your inventory, armor, and experience out (so you don’t lose anything) and let the server close when you’re in it. See if that works

    #30477 Score: 0

    2 pts

    I know what causes it, it’s cracked clients, and uppercase/lowercase issues.

    The player would originally create a name like BillyBob and join a town with that name, but then they log on again and their cracked client says “Screw uppercase, that’s for newbs” and renames them billybob. All other plugins are fine with that, but towny’s like “Naw dude, it’s not the same” and then has a seizure.


    Everyone I’ve seen who has this issue is the same, Cleverdic is listed in towny as “CleverDic” Thebuzzyb is listed in towny as “TheBuzzyB” etc etc

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