Case of fire aspect sword glitching in spawn


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Case of fire aspect sword glitching in spawn

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  stormfrenzy 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #9454 Score: 0


    When I last played in Eternal Cracked on the November 23 recently , I spotted a player with a flame sword in the spawn . When he spotted me , he chased me around the spawn giving me hits of the fire effect for his enchanted spawn . I also saw him attacking others with it . So to save myself at spawn , waiting to meet a player , i used my fire resistance potion to counter it in a legit way , which i think some people were thinking i was hacking but i wasn`t . I so happened to appear in jail when i went to close to both two players who were fighting inside the spawn area who also use that glitch . Its been more than 24 hours and im still not free . Also my brother , Timothy (In game username) died mulitple times in the End when his browser was lagging first a player i think name 101021 who pestered everyone there with the fire aspect sword glitch in that non pvp area . Then killed by a lava bucket when AFK by Thugz (with some numbers in his username) . To tell the truth honestly . I am also guilty of attempting to throw a poison potion to the two players who were trying to kill me . Luckily , no inocent players where harmed and my potion did not have any effect on anyone not even those in the wrong . To plead for my mistake , i sincerly aplogise to the server for my rash actions by taking matters to myself . If it was for me taunting them after i used my fire resistance potion , i should be given my first warning  for disrespecting player in the wrong . To summarise this , i never used a fire aspect sword in only carried a normal iron sword .I hate people who use the advantage of  hacks and glitches because it is very unfair. If i should be banned , tell me the reason . I registed in EC  in August 2012 and im an active player . Please forgive me for my rash actions.

    #9455 Score: 0


    To ask you one last time as ingame username stormfrenzy…

    I should be given a warning for taunting players trying to kill me at spawn after using a fire resistance potion , considered as disrespecting player for the firs time , should be given a warning.

    I took matters on my own , thus using a poison potion however no one was hurt , not even my so called target.

    I never used a fire aspect sword ever if I was accused of that crime , i think a mod mistake me for using a fire aspect sword in the spawn glitching but i only carried a normal iron sword!

    I als was wrong for standing near them thus getting myself in jail . If  I could recall , xxxamibexxx was my attacker in the safezone.

    Since im in jail how long is the time in there if the ban master refuse my appeal , its been more than 24 hours . Also i own a town which is about to fall and i brew a chest full of potions in my home , playing in the server for 4 months I use this server with my 2 brothers in multiple computers such as Timothy and oliver88 . I have admitted all my possibe wrong doings honestly . please release me for my rash actions!

    #9456 Score: 0


    Firstly my brothers were innocent so dont ban them and they have set there passwords . We also share the computers now i got the 3rd com for the 3 of us . Since im in jail am i temp banned , or not… I have learnt my lesson not to rashly take matters to myself but to report to an admin. i own a town with will fall soon . i also never misused glitchs ever. im committed to this server and is the only one i play :(

    #9474 Score: 0


    Thank you for your detailed report, this is an issue with the Bukkit Build. I have submitted a ticket to the developers, and they have replied that it will be fixed as soon as the new release of Bukkit comes out.

    #9483 Score: 0


    Again how long is jail it’s been 2 days


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