Castervoiage Banned?!?!?!


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Castervoiage Banned?!?!?!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Hablaman1 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #24816 Score: 0


    I was banned for suspected x-ray although I was finding a lot of Diamonds (6-8) I was not X-raying. I wish to be unbanned for the fact that I am a nice player. My account is a real paid for MC account and I play this server because I enjoy the community and how you have to actually work to get what you want. I got Banned For 24h IP-Ban and so did my friends: “CaptainSparklezz, DanielPlaysMC, DARK_WOLF_76 and me (castervoiage)”.


    I would Wish to be unbanned, if you think i was x-raying, and you won’t unban, i have nothing else to say, but sorry and i will wait for the hours to pass, so i can play on this awesome server again. ~Bongo Banned Me~


    Waiting For A Reply From A Mature Staff.

    #24821 Score: 0


    As far as I can tell, Bongo is a really good mod. He bans people only when he’s very sure. Maybe you 4 looked like you xrayed such that it convinced Bongo. This may or may not be a mistake but if you’re VERY sure that you don’t have X-ray, then don’t worry. This is only temp-ban.
    If you do have X-ray, remove it.

    #24825 Score: 0

    5 pts

    It was really obvious xray.  Straight into ravines wall, some blocks down and forward and there you diamonds. After that to next diamond.

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