Causa de Mi Baneo


Home Forums Creative Ban Appeal Causa de Mi Baneo

This topic contains 10 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  SlimeFouberz 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #64155 Score: 0


    Hola Con La presente les explico que el spawn de AFk realizado por mi No Fue Mi Culpa Deje mi PC Jugando en el server y mi hermano se puso a a molestar por eso pido que me desbaneen ya que en esta tengo mucho progreso y es la unica cuenta que poseo

    #64156 Score: 0


    Lol I got this when I put it in G’translate:

    Hi With this I explain that spawn AFk done by my not my fault I left my PC playing on the server and my brother was aa disturbing so I ask that desbaneen me because in this have much progress and is the only account I own

    #64157 Score: 0


    :0 we need more fluent spanish-english staff :0 and active on forums and in game :0 somewhat rare to find one with a good heart and good attributes :/

    #64158 Score: 0


    spf I cn translateite it ^_^ he saying he was afk in spawn and his brop start messing things up and to please unban me cuz I got a lot of progresse in the server(tryes my best but his spanish grammer is kinda bad)

    #64159 Score: 0

    1 pt

    little bro


    #64160 Score: 0



    #64161 Score: 0



    But theirs always a chance that it could be true.

    #64175 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Urahara, por favor use la siguiente plantilla:

    In-game name (nombre de usuario utilizado):
    Why you have been banned (¿por qué estàs baneado):
    Where you are banned (donde está prohibido):
    Who banned you (quien prohibió):
    Why you should be unbanned (¿por qué quieres volver a jugar):

    Copiar pegar en el rectángulo bajo y rellenar con sus datos.
    Después de esto, usted puede jugar de nuevo, pero desempeña su hermano Minecraft y EC? :)
    Usted puede llenar la plantilla en español, si quieres. Vamos a traducir de nuevo al Inglés.

    Chu forgot Sky D:

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by  Dicedead.
    #64177 Score: 0


    @dicedead As I said… I have said “more”

    #64178 Score: 0

    1 pt

    if i had a dollar for everytime i’ve seen the “My little Brother did it”, i would be quite wealthy

    #64191 Score: 0


    I don’t say it is wrong but it’s common and we are Not sure If it’s true…. Anyways Just wait and wish for the best man . I mean , some people say that the “Brother” Logged in and did naughty *Santa comes and says : No gifts for you !* But here no password was given to brothers or neighbors and no evil headphones like thegamer2145 so….. Not his fault . I think he should be unbanned because it seems true . (Tried my best in grammar so easy Google Translation and no Grammar Nazi)
    Anyways Good luck

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by  SlimeFouberz.
Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

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