Causa de mi baneo


Home Forums Creative Ban Appeal Causa de mi baneo

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Dicedead 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #69584 Score: 0


    In-game name (nombre de usuario utilizado):xDiamondHarvestx
    Why you have been banned (¿por qué estàs baneado):Supuestamente por grifear una parcela de la persona Tania0010 (aunque yo estaba haciendo el pixel art de mi skin) despues cuando entro me culpo de todo y me dijo que me banearia.
    Where you are banned (donde está prohibido):En creativo
    Who banned you (quien prohibió):Skylder
    Why you should be unbanned (¿por qué quieres volver a jugar):Porque es uno de mis servers preferidos, tengo muchos amigos, mucho dinero y es la unica cuenta mas avanzada que yo poseo.

    #69593 Score: 0



    In-game name : xDiamondHarvestx
    Why You have been banned : Supposedly I griefed a plot that was Tania0010 (though I was making my skin pixel art) then he blame me when I walk around and told me he would ban me.
    Where you are banned : In creative
    Who banned you: Skylder
    Why you Should be unbanned : Because it’s one of my favorite servers, I have lots of friends, lots of money and is the most advanced single account I have.

    If this is his first time he will probabaly get unbanned

    #69611 Score: 0

    3 pts

    Alright, unbanned, don’t do it again. Have fun. 😀

    Desbanear, no hacerlo de nuevo. Que se diviertan. 😀

    ~Derekville Devastation {DD}

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