CG Disabilities


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This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Zevguns 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #25058 Score: 0


    The CG disabilities are really annoying. For those reading this that doesn’t know what I mean, a CG disability is where it says [CG] Vehicles are disabled, [CG] Chests are disabled…that kind of thing.

    I think that is REALLY annoying. I want them to be enabled, or at least know why they have been disabled. Plus, why are beds disabled? You can still lay in a bed, you just won’t go to day until everyone does it xD it works for those who want to pretend to “do it”. It’s just a few suggestions that a lot of us have mentioned. Please feed me on information leading to the re-enabling of these, or why they are disabled.

    Thanks so much for reading my thread!

    ~J_Choitz, Member

    #25059 Score: 0

    16 pts

    I really think that Borncorp/CR head mods should delete this stupid CG plugin, it’s annoying, people will do fine with /lock on the creative server or just no lock plugin on the creative server…

    #25096 Score: 0

    23 pts

    The stuff is blocked for security and lag prevention.
    For example, chests are blocked because someone could make a bunch of chests filled with stacks of blocks and then break them all at the same time. That could crash the server badly.

    #25097 Score: 0


    But, don’t items disappear as soon as they drop?

    #30368 Score: 0


    No they don’t. The server has a ClearLag system. It clears every 10 minutes or so. Borncorp does have a point there. Is there a way to enable chests, but have a maximum of 30 items? That way you can only have 30 blocks, or 30 items in each slot. That will help for mini-games in Creative. What about vehicles though?

    #30373 Score: 0


    Have you heard of duping? Old minecraft players may remember players spawning vehicles on vehicles on vehicles….
    On vehicles.
    Anyways, this is one thing. Another reason why vehicles aren’t allowed is that it will of course, lag the server.
    Clearlag does not fix vehicles you know.

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