Changing forums!


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This topic contains 12 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  cookie_monst3r 8 years ago.

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  • #136914 Score: 1

    16 pts

    We will no longer be checking for ban appeals or reports on this forum. Post on if you need help from us!

    #136918 Score: 0

    12 pts
    #136932 Score: 0

    10 pts

    see, bad communication within the mod team. ashamed

    #136936 Score: 0

    16 pts

    This is a reminder btw, people keep using this forums for whatever reason.

    #136937 Score: 0

    12 pts

    I must say that Forums host is a first for me. Like I never heard of no shit like that before lol. Hell I wouldn’t blame em for using this Website still… Cough.. Trash.. Cough…

    #136948 Score: 1

    41 pts

    Website still looks bad, pls fix and no thanks for now
    Also, change it from “LuckyMan” to actually being EC

    #136949 Score: 0

    12 pts

    It’s like… Enjin but on fucking aids.

    First off… The Website looks like it was made in 2011 when it’s 2017. I understand you guys are trying to save money and stuff, but even the people who did a ” remake ” Of EC had an decent looking website. And who tf is LuckyMan like srsly is he Chris with a new username?

    That ‘ Activity Feed · Show What’s New ‘ Thing… Take that out of the picture and replace it with something better looking, because uhhh… No one wants to see that tbh, about everything you see in there are new Players and etc joining the Website.

    It is me or does the background is on some cut me shit? Because I don’t know if I can’t see worth nothing or it’s just that you guys made it look like that. If you scroll down like half of ‘ Activity Feed · Show What’s New ‘ You’ll see on the side of the background of something like cut off-ish. Or in other words the background is stacked up like 5 times. Why not make thing better looking and just get a big picture to fit the whole website?

    ‘ Facebook ‘ Fix that. I heard someone had an Facebook account for this EC so… Yeah just had to toss that out there.

    Wonder who did this ?
    Because that’s all wrong, unless you’re going to do the same thing as last EC did with the commands and Rules. And didn’t someone say that this EC wasn’t gonna be ” Just! ” Like the last one? And not to rain on everything but is there going to be a Faction server because you’ve it’s commands as well just tossing that out there.

    ‘ News ‘ Has nothing in it… That’ll probly be the best place to add Updates on the Website on how it’s doing and how your Community is. And the ‘ Download ‘ Is just down right dumb of adding. Maybe it came with the website but the person who even did that is dumb. Because 9 times out of 10 people know how to download and setup their Minecraft. And should I go on with the ‘ Event ‘ ?

    The ‘ Server Rules ‘ Should be a bit better looking. What I mean by this is… The Rules should be explained a bit better, making them look like a 12 year old kid did it doesn’t fit well for the Community. Matter of fact, It’ll help you out here since it isn’t hard for me to do so.

    9- If a player was banned they may not create other accounts to play.

    13- A donor can not mute or kick a player when they feel like it or when a moderator is online.

    15- A town may not claim around all four sides of another town and prevent it from extending and can not be created anywhere near it.

    4- Griefing areas such as: claimed town areas, claimed plots, and filling land around towns with lava is not allowed.

    2- Offering someone a deal to buy or sell an item and then killing the player is not allowed. This is known as luring.

    1- No spamming, disrespecting, raging, using caps lock, or including inappropriate content in Main chat.

    These all can be explained a bit better with more detail and the meaning of these Rules, you don’t want to be called an Abuser again for something another Player doesn’t undertsnad clearly. Hell, I wouldn’t want to join a Server and I don’t really know my Rules of the Server. It’s like playing a Board-Game with your Family, you must know the rules and details of it, if not… You’ll just lose the game, than next time you’ll think about reading those rules.

    I mean you gave the Violation to Rule’s meaning and detail… Why can’t the other rules have that as well?

    ‘ Contact a Mod ‘ I don’t understand this part all too much… Like what do I do if I really need help or such, do I just sit on the Forums and wait for help to come? Do I hope to god that I can find their skype and spam the shit of them for Help? I mean… I wouldn’t do some of that stuff but just tossing that out there for you.

    Scroll down till you see ‘ Chat Box ‘ Now why is that their when I can find those Rules here:

    You could’ve added all of that in one and call it a day. Then just putting 20% in one place and the other 80% in that place. If they look at one of them they won’t care to look at the Chat Box Rules.

    There is a lot still to be done on that Website and I’m sure the words I’ll hear is ” Beta Mode ” But there is too many things that wasn’t hidden and could’ve been fixed already so people wouldn’t like it or anything like that, I won’t say that Website Host isn’t fit for this EC and I’m sure some of the Community can agree with me on this one, yeah it’s for Minecraft servers n’ all but you would probly see those websites with Pvp Servers and etc, since there is a ” Win & Lose ” Mark below of your Profile.

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by  2Federal.
    #136963 Score: 0

    2 pts

    people keep using this forums because the other is ugly shit

    #136965 Score: 0

    4 pts

    I am seriously done.
    What is you guys’ problem?
    Don’t you know where to stop?
    If you guys wanna leave, then leave; but stop writing offensive posts in the old forums just because you are banned for doing something incorrectly.
    But don’t worry guys, you can come back in a few years, so we can see if you are more mature then.
    And the funny thing, is that many of you wrote ban appeals, asked us to forgive you and we did.
    So now, if you want to annoy somebody, why don’t you go annoy your mother?

    You all know who I am writing this letter to, no need to explain :)

    #136966 Score: 0

    12 pts

    ” If you guys wanna leave, then leave; but stop writing offensive posts in the old forums just because you are banned for doing something incorrectly. ”

    What are you saying I can’t give you guys Website some suggestions on how it can get better? Because that Website is a joke, I only wanted to help out I guess… With some suggestions to have you guys and work, because as of right now you Server isn’t going anywhere, and people are slowly leaving it be without saying anything.

    Trust me… This was bound to go down sometime sooner or later, that’s why I jump out of the Team in the first place, I didn’t want to be a part of that Server anymore and others of that Staffing Team feel the same.

    It’s best if some people stand up and say something about these things such as making things better or making the Website better if no one starts thinking of these things then the the server itself will just die off more then what it already is.

    ” But don’t worry guys, you can come back in a few years, so we can see if you are more mature then. ”

    This line itself looks fake, do you even know the Server will stay up for a few years? Because it’s barely been 6months yet and have not seen much new. I’m not even going to get in the mature part lol.

    The reason why people won’t use the ” New ” Website because it’s trash nobody wants to go to a Website and see that it’s not looking right… I’m not even the only one who doesn’t like it, there are many others inside the Community who don’t as well. When I go to a Website I would like to see some good looking things. Like I said before didn’t you guys want better for this EC? Well.. It’s a good time to start doing so, not saying everything have to be the same damn thing as last EC but overall improvement inside the Community it self.

    #136969 Score: 1

    14 pts

    Welp, it’s time you guys to move on and find a new server

    • This reply was modified 8 years ago by  Wither.
    #136973 Score: 1

    41 pts

    “If you guys wanna leave, then leave; but stop writing offensive posts in the old forums just because you are banned for doing something incorrectly.”
    I just want to interject for a moment and say I’m not (or shouldn’t be) banned for anything in-game.

    “But don’t worry guys, you can come back in a few years, so we can see if you are more mature then.”
    You seem to be assuming this new server will last years. At the current rate of things, this “server” won’t last years.

    Now, as many people by now have said, sort the mods, the server, and just about everything to do with this out.

    #136974 Score: 0

    2 pts

    lmao sethybear your a boss

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