Cheaters, scammers and abusers!


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report Cheaters, scammers and abusers!

This topic contains 39 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  AnderZENZ 10 years ago.

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  • #77249 Score: 0

    7 pts

    The past 2 months I was observing a few guys, who are teamed I think, and who were either using kill aura, swearing, or abusing their donor powers.
    Their ingame names are: jellytimemt, gamarragamer, Lautaks, elop06.
    Something about jellytimemt in gamarragamer in this video:

    Lautaks is sometimes using kill aura, when he gets mad or so, and sometimes he is fly pvping (no screens available tho).
    elop06 WAS using kill aura, stopped using it, but started scamming! He scammed a guy called ProDoesMC: He offered Pro a premium account if he buys him an iron donorship! Ofc, Pro accepted it and bought him a donorship… But, elop just gave him an EC account with nothing on it… That day I was talking with elop, and he told me he sold a premium account to Pro, and that he will get more and sell me one too… Next day, when we contacted a mod about the scamm, I was trying to talk with elop to get a screenshot of the chat, and after I was asking him for like 5 mins, he answered “I don’t” , knowing that we wanted to take a screen…
    Some screenshots:

    I hope you will punish them for inappropriate behavior, abusing and cheating.
    Thanks in forwards!

    #77254 Score: 0

    1-No Soy hacker
    2-Watch this video :)
    3-Yo ya le enseñe mi carpeta .minecraft a vsub por skype
    4- jellytimemt no es hacker

    #77258 Score: 0


    1- siempre se me olvida desactivar el fly cuand voy a pvpear
    2- vanish yo cuando estoy en pvp nunca ago vanish y cuando lo ago me dejo matar porque es lo mas justo
    3- y chico perdon pero cuando yo ago vanish contra ti yo siempre me dejo matar porque es lo mas justo
    4- te lo repito otra vez: cuando voy a pvpear se me olvida el desactivar el fly y cuando veo que vuelo un momento de una me lo quito asi que piensalo 😀

    #77262 Score: 0


    Don’t u find that story69 also using kill aura?

    #77265 Score: 0


    hahaha is not kill aura you envy me little kid…learns to fight 😉

    #77266 Score: 0


    you watch my ”hack” here?

    #77272 Score: 0

    16 pts

    You can easily toggle off hacks/remove clients and then make those videos lol. So we can’t really say “lautaks isn’t hacking” or anything like that if you record a video with it off. Unless you record every fight that you do, then you’d have pretty good proof.

    #77280 Score: 0


    Wow, tahts cool ^

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by  BlonFTW.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by  BlonFTW.
    #77292 Score: 0

    dangit! i cant put it

    #77303 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Killaura doesn’t work that way. Killaura is when you go near someone and then they hit you 100000000 times repeatedly a second. This is just you being clumsy and even trying to tp out. So it’s your fault. Not hackers

    #77304 Score: 0


    hhmmmm speaking like a true hacker wave 😉

    joke 😛

    #77305 Score: 0

    7 pts

    @lautaks and gammarragamer , I’m not speaking Spanish, jerks, the only thing I can understand in your reply are those smileys.
    @Waveware I know what kill aura is, I was using a hacked client on kit pvp servers…
    @jellytimemt as rogue said, you can turn off the hack and record that whenever you want, and your video really doesn’t show anything…

    #77306 Score: 0


    Nice Catch there 00100101 😀

    #77308 Score: 0



    1.00100101 you said *@Waveware I know what kill aura is , I was using a hacked client on kit pvp servers… so that means you could be using hacks in Ec too , I mean you said that and what Rogue_art said you can easily disable your hacks… So are you using hacks ???

    #77329 Score: 0


    That’s a good question IcyHeaven. However I am constantly observing pvp and the chat and waveware doesn’t hack. However I have seen jelly pvp and there are times when it looks strikingly similar to kill aura. So with that being said I do believe that they are using hacks like they are accused of. With jelly saying that on here You are jealous little kid learn how to fight? I’ve seen hackers say things like that because they know that they cannot be beaten. With that being said I think the video is perfect proof that jelly is hacking…

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by  Kevin77555.
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