Chest Refund and Questions


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This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  takoballball 11 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #57277 Score: 0

    14 pts

    So, when born removed all those farms in my eyes, he promised us that we get our farms back and also all the chest in there. The plots and all the farms came back, but the chest and animals were empty. I talked to skills, but we haven’t actually reached an agreement. I think the forums is the best place to talk now since i don’t see you online much due to time zones.

    I really lost tons of stuff.. I had all my farm items in those chest and all the materials to build those farms. They were also very important and valauble to me along with other items i have.

    P.S. i want my mushroom cows and villagers respawned.

    #57280 Score: 0


    Exactly. I was forced to pick 2 options for my refund on a plot that never broke the 30 blocks high limit rule. Either 20 chest of eggs (one of proud collection which took a couple months to get it) or 250k. And was told to buy the eggs with it. But of course no one on the server has that amount. it also included tons of glass and stuff. Of course i had to pick the 250k but when i went to purchase the glass that was lost, i only bought a few stacks and it actually costs more than i expected. So yea i hope to actually be refunded the stuff that i lost if possible. And i will return the 250k to whichever headmod online if i see them

    #57289 Score: 0

    23 pts

    For some reason the contents of the chests werent saved, idk why. Refunds will have to be given, Admin+ are authorized to refund or respawn the stuff of the players who lost stuff.

    #57312 Score: 0

    14 pts


    I don’t want replacement of any items, i don’t want any extra money. This is just that you promised me those stuff were there and it was safe, but after all it was a lie and all those are VALUABLES to me.

    I talked to skills a bit, but…. we haven’t came to an agreement.

    #57314 Score: 0




    #57394 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Items I lost: (i gave skills the list, but just incase he forgot)

    Piston: 14 stacks
    Redstone: 18 stacks
    Redstone torch: 2 sacks
    Hoppers 3 stacks
    Iron: 1 chest full
    God apples: 2
    Gold Nuggets: almost 1 chest full
    Gold Bars: 20
    Rottenfleash chest full
    Gold Swords Chest full
    Cobble: 15 stacks
    Dirt:15 stacks
    Glass: 10 stacls
    Leaves 4 stacks
    1 beacon
    pro4 unbreaking armor: damaged a little,
    God sword damged

    few dispenser,craftingtables,droppers,signs,
    2 stacks of chest
    1 stack of locked chest
    some repeaters around 20
    The tripeters around 10 (newupdate)

    god pick (used a little)
    obsidian 10 stacks,
    10 buckets,
    Flint and steal

    #57399 Score: 0


    i personally think that the farms should be broke down into blocks and put in a chest, because as of right now i dont even want ANY bit of that farm back, i just really would like the ammounts of pistons and redstone it took to build, because it costed over a million to get, and i could use those pistons on town farms. skills told me as of right now the farms wont be broken into blocks, because the players had made a descent bit of money off of them, which i respect for people like xav and primus, which made atleast 50 million each. but both of my farms havnt been around too long, and i have a town that i put allot of money into, and i only got like tops 4 million off of my farm, which isnt much. i also think its not really nice to just world edit someones hard work away and give them nothing for it.

    #57406 Score: 0


    Cookie, its not gonna help especially after u built a cactus farm way over 30blocks high after the rules has been implemented

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