Chest Removal Problem


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report Chest Removal Problem

This topic contains 9 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  PirateBooty 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #81366 Score: 0

    Back in the day, when I was actually active, I was an assistant at the glorious town of Australia. I had approximately five main plots over there. One of them had about 1/2 of all my chests/stuff.

    Now that plot was mine, but we had a new player that needed one himself. So being the nice guy I am, I gave him mine. I gave him the specific orders: do not remove any of the chests or the borders.

    So later on, I decided that I’m gonna stop playing on the server, and I’m not gonna be so active. Now fastforward a few months, to the current day. I decided that I wanna pay a visit to the server, to see and check what’s new.

    Then I remembered the task I wanted to complete long ago: remove all of my chests and put them in my 32×32 plot Psycho9 gifted me with. I go there, and to my horror, I find that the chests are gone.

    I request a refund please. These chests had what was worth of 8 months of server-playing. I wrote in my resignation topic that I wish to have my chests kept in place. I do understand that it is Psycho’s town, and that he has the power and authority to do anything with our farms and items, but he could’ve messaged me on Skype that he’s gonna remove them. I have many pistons, diamonds, and tools there that I would very much like to have back.

    #81373 Score: 0

    12 pts

    well i dont know i can say you can “have it back” but then again i’ll be lieing to myself just let the mods see what to think of beacuse that is has towny so he do have the power to take what he wants so i’ll say thats a no.

    #81377 Score: 0


    Richard, you’ve played five nights at Freddy’s?

    #81389 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Can we see the post for the resignation? I’m pretty sure it’ll be proof for the chests. If not, well, good game.

    #81396 Score: 0

    “p.s. You guys better not clear my chests in Australia, I might come back.” Last paragraph.

    #81416 Score: 0


    Here is the thing, no matter what you told Psycho, the town of Australia, or the mods, if the chests are over 2 weeks, any guard+ has the right to clear them at the request of the plot owner, mayor, or any assistant/comayor. On the other hand, if you made the person promise not to clear the chests (can’t be you telling him, has to be him agreeing) then it is illegal. But as you say,

    Pics or didn’t happen.

    If you have legitimate proof of him promising not to clear your chests, I will refund you and tag him. Otherwise, you are at fault.

    #81449 Score: 0

    I have evidence of me telling the plot owner not to remove the chests. I don’t know who removed them, but I suspect Psycho decided he wanted to clear some land, so he asked a guardian+ to destroy them.

    Are logs acceptable?

    #81450 Score: 0


    I guess richard

    #81455 Score: 0

    ‹ ى½ùrغH²/üےqك،<ك|ري>´جU”xو´®,ظnw{رXêصلp”ˆ D±±H¢â~çuîـ¼™…¥ d&(j؛gئڑإZX?ھ²r«\>´غ£vش|وزُں¾zûâفا‘8WQنْ‡*‰7ء+ےع
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    Don’t you just love it when your sole piece of evidence gets corrupted?

    #81528 Score: 0


    It’s martian 😮

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