Chinashop Under new management


Home Forums Survival General discussion Chinashop Under new management

This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  ChillzKillz99 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #73246 Score: 0


    Recently TheWrayth Sold Chinashop to me i have plans to reopen the shop
    full swing with a partner Witherplaymc

    hopefully we can make it the best shop on the server once again

    i want to give it respect because the chinashop is almost like a server
    landmark the building will stay the same

    but i want to change a few things

    the chinashop building is made of Wood planks and white wool
    i wanted to change it instead to Nether brick and quartz

    but i figure some people might not like that

    so i want to put it to a vote what do you guys think i should change
    or if i should just keep it the way it is

    #73247 Score: 0


    I want the change to happen, I think it will look better. Vote Up

    #73251 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Can we have pictures of china shop? I barely remember what it looked like XD.

    #73256 Score: 0


    ya hold on ill upload a few

    #73257 Score: 0

    7 pts

    I think you should just leave it be, so that it will give ‘credit’ somehow to the person who first opened the shop. Also, that might explain why Wither is in China 😮

    #73291 Score: 0

    mod67 / MrPvr99

    Leave it to be like it was , ” old , good china shop ”
    Agree with maxminoS
    It will be abit fantasy with nether blocks and thanks not fun 😉

    #73293 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Yeah, we should keep chinashop the good ol’ way.

    #73359 Score: 0


    Good to see that everyone likes the old design and I am very happy that the shop will reopen and be active on the server again. A few of you have seen me lurking around recently and I will be on a bit here and there over the next few months.


    #73361 Score: 0


    What is this chinashop thing anyway? I’ve never even heard of it D:

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

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