Home Forums Survival General discussion COMPLAINT.

This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Claustofobia 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #23702 Score: 0


    this is a complaint on amy (mod) she is a very bad mod, once when luring was very bad (not anymore because its not a rule) i was lured then i said to her about 34343433453989025943854859834905 times ive been lured i have snapshots she never replied also i went to ma and there was a glitch so i lost all my pro4 and she said: oh thats just a glitch be warned next time. THAT WAS ALL SHE SAID, also there was a hg glitcher 4 times everyone shouted AMY AMY THERES A GLITCHER and she never responded. and she has done many worse things. me and my cousins and my brother think shes a bad mod and needs to be demoted to a member.


    i want her demoted.

    ~tytal also known as tytal22

    #23706 Score: 0

    2 pts

    Tytal we know you are an easily angered child but just your voice alone isnt enough to get her demoted. xD

    #23707 Score: 0


    About the HG glitcher, Amy didn’t said anything because:

    1. She was AFK

    2. She saw the chat and didn’t say anything because she was looking for the glitcher

    #23750 Score: 0


    trollson i didnt ask your opinion gay

    ive never liked u either you took my 4 year old bros armour

    and he was in ur town! and u only gave him dirt so sthu

    #23754 Score: 0


    tytal, you oviously dont have a point here. Your just easily angered.

    #23755 Score: 0


    Someone pissed him off rly BAD

    #23758 Score: 0


    LOL… does anyone else find him being angry funny? I mean, I was laughing while reading this topic. Was anyone else?

    #23760 Score: 0


    I love to listen and watch other kids going mad. :)

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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