Complete list of prison commands


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This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  2Federal 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #104976 Score: 0


    I was wondering if there was already a list of all prison /commands. If not please post everything you can think of and I can compile a full list on the forums.

    what do you guys and girls think?

    #104977 Score: 0

    41 pts

    The majority of what you’ll need to know for Prison is at /warp tutorial.

    Anyways, I’ll say what I think the most useful warps are:
    /warp bm
    /warp a (wood mine)
    /warp [rank] (replace ‘[rank]’ with whatever rank you are)
    /warp food

    #104979 Score: 0

    13 pts

    Once you have reached Rank F you can’t visit B anymore, because the way rank teleport works is that you can only visit your current rank and 2 below that rank [Example: H rankers can visit /warp G and /warp F but cannot visit /warp E] I don’t think the server mentioned this anywhere

    A is visitable at any rank

    #104984 Score: 0

    20 pts







    /ct (combat-log)


    More advanced (plotting commands)
    /warp plots

    /p auto(You need 100,000 and you’ll get a plot

    /p home

    /p deny <player name> (denies a player from your plot, meaning they can’t enter it)

    /p add <name> (gives a player permission to build, destroy, and open chests on your plot)

    /p dispose (WARNING: The plot will not be destroyed, but you will not own it, to get it back, you need another 100,000)

    #104994 Score: 0


    this is really nice information. thanks!

    #105010 Score: 0

    2 pts

    do /help while ingame

    #105039 Score: 0


    Nice I have nothing to say we where same :) @AnderZENZ , @Waveware

    #105051 Score: 0

    12 pts

    You want a full list of Prison Commands? Okay lez go!

    /warp pvp a Place where you pvp peeps and there is a shop there as well in one of the lava holes. :O
    /warp bm a Place where you make a Bm and get money from players or you lose money and try and make a profit back from it. Or just sell to others.
    /warp food The place where you get food.
    /warp oreparty A place where you mine nothing but blocks or ores every once of the month.
    /warp ruch. ( Rush is not done yet ) But it will be soon.
    /warp plots You can buy or join a plot if you want to buy a plot from /warp plots then do /plotme claim oh where you want your plot to be. Or do /plotme auto it will tp you to a plot. ( Plots are 100k )
    /warp mods you can see who has been promoted or demoted from /warp mods and see who are the new Trials and more.
    /warp or /warps shows you all! The warps there are in game.
    /help shows you the commands you can use.
    WARNING!: Do not use /ci it will take and remove everything! from your inv and you will NOT! get a refund for doing so. ( Well maybe )
    /pay (Players name ) You give them money if you wish too.
    The other Players as already helped you so there should be no worrys enjoy the Game. :)

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