Contest Details [Update #1]


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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  megaseth 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #65943 Score: 0

    41 pts

    So, my the time of expiration for my second month of Iron Donor is almost upon us…
    Not going to donate for Iron again, so yeah…

    A bit of notice, my birthday is coming up (May 25th), so I might not be on much, but just know I’ll be there in spirit. xD
    Since I’ll be turning 18, I may not be on much the following day either (You may know what I mean c; …sorry.)

    Contest News:
    Alright, so as time draws closer to the official announcement of my contest, I’m willing to giveaway details of the 5th Place Winner PRIZE
    ‘5th Place – 1x ProTools Kit.’ – As quoted from my notes.
    Means of entry may change, closer to the date.

    Keep an eye open for more details, as I’ll be releasing more over the next few weeks, before the Announcement.

    #65954 Score: 0

    16 pts

    Make the contest sooner D:. We’ve been waiting a month for Rogue_Ar- I mean competitors to win :D.

    Question? So will you be offline when you become 18? Or will you just be inactive/not very active? Cos “over the next few weeks” seems quite a while.

    #65956 Score: 0

    14 pts

    What is the contest? Im confused

    #65959 Score: 0

    41 pts

    Rogue, I would love to make it sooner than I plan to, but there have been some… delays…

    Wither, I was planning on hosting a contest early June
    (Link: )

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