Contest for mob arena


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This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  hockey3737 12 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #6800 Score: 0


    the mob arena has had the same look for so long the spawn has changed and the server has changed the mob arena cant be left behind we should have a contest to remodel the mob arena and make it more enjoyable for the spectators and the ones playing

    #6801 Score: 0


    i agree with puppet if the all the other parts of the server have been updated the mob arena shouldnt be left behind.


    #6833 Score: 0


    i say… MAKE A NEW ONE i mean dude… we have only one… its damn annoying to wait for the mob arena to end and i have had QUITE a few rages on that -_-  get more mob arenas i say we take the two best mob arenas  from the contest and make them the extras for people to really get money and  a  good experience on the server


    #6847 Score: 0


    i agree it would look better if its another shape..>_< lol

    #6862 Score: 0


    I actually kind of agree about this because the Mob Arena is like 5 years old and its kind of getting old. There should be a new Mob Arena because it will be fun and cool.-Team YOLO

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