Cool Thought: Can Donors Get This Command?


Home Forums Survival Player Commands / Admin Commands Cool Thought: Can Donors Get This Command?

This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Waveware 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #25587 Score: 0


    Hey All You Minecrafter’s That Play On EternalCracked!
    This Fourm Is About A Cool Command I Think Donors Should Hav For Trooling,ECT
    Theres A Plugin That BornCorp Can Add To The Server , And This Commaqnd Is The Discuise Command So For Example,
    if You Want To Discuise As Herobrine You Do /d Herobrine OR /d Creeper or /d ECT. I Got This From Some Youtuber That Trools People,
    Please Read And Leave A Comment xD……Remember This Is Just A Sugustion,

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by  ButterNinja8.
    #25589 Score: 0


    This is intresting. Like the higher the rank the more disguises you could have. If only there was a way where you wouldnt be able to pvp when your disguised. OTHERWISE this will be abused a ton.


    #25590 Score: 0


    Its a cool command but as Xavier states, this command can make the server hell for non donor players as well as the fact that there will always be that one person misusing this command. If that problem was cleared up I’d say it wouldn’t be a bad addition to the server.

    #25603 Score: 0


    You disguise as like a baby cow on dynamap and chase people and fly just when an animal pvp is off

    #25605 Score: 0


    I think the donor perks shouldn’t be something to “trool” people with, but to make the gaming experience on EC better. I don’t think MobDisguise belongs in this category. It can be misused, and doesn’t really add anything except the ability to confuse other players.

    But, the command /enderchest would go in that category.

    #29367 Score: 0


    But, your pvp will be off when disciseed

    #44416 Score: 0


    This would be good also when you turn into an animal I think the plug-in makes it so that you can’t hurt others and others can’t hurt you.

    Just a little bump

    #44422 Score: 0

    13 pts

    I definently not agree with this because then people will start to impersonate mods or even Borncorp, If they were to turn into animals it wouldn’t be fair because they can go inside other people’s base and greif it while animal form, so they can’t get killed.


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