Cracked Skins


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This topic contains 10 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  borncorp 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #22073 Score: 0


    How can i get a skin for my character using the eternal cracked custom client. The tutorial on doesn’t work (others can’t see my skin and my skin has giant sqare ears on its head like a mouse O.O) can somebody help me here?

    #22075 Score: 0

    23 pts

    Close minecraft completely and install EC Client first. Then check if you see your skin or other cracked players skin. If you cant see it then close minecraft and go to and go to your profile and upload the skin and retry opening minecraft, it should work. If it doesnt work please make sure your username is exactly the same

    #22077 Score: 0


    Wait… my skin has giant sqare ears on its head like a mouse

    That is deadmau5 ‘s skin! Is it blue?

    #22079 Score: 0


    It is another way to have a cracked skin, without EC client and to be saw by other users on another servers.
    Go to and then you will choose the skin and write it’s name to be your name. This is a great way but you’ll not have your old name (in your case: XxBELLEMORTxX). Have a nice day! 😀

    #22081 Score: 0


    cracked users can see preumim skins premum can’t see cracked skins so i premem can’t see most skins D:

    #22086 Score: 0

    23 pts

    Premium users can also install EC Client and see premium and cracked users skins.

    #22088 Score: 0


    I guess I should help. I DO know the answer to the ears problem, I had it too at first. What you have to do is go to, log in at the top, then on the toolbar at the top, press “Profile“. Next, look under “Profile Changes“, and fill in the information and make sure that the “Ears Settings” is set to OFF. That should fix your ears.

    Your handy-dandy helper,


    #22089 Score: 0

    2 pts

    You failed.

    #22114 Score: 0


    I tried what borncop suggested it doesn’t work. I can see my skin now but others can’t?

    Toni…no it doesn’t look ANYTHING like deadmau5.

    Sniper217106 i talked to you in-game too i think, i really don’t want to change my name -.-

    OmegaX thanks for the help. Got rid of the ears but…what use is it if others can’t see my skin.

    #22342 Score: 0


    Yay my help actually worked! Sorry I can’t fix the skin. Try reinstalling EC Client, and I would re-upload your skin to Also, make sure that the username you use on that website is your EXACT Eternal Cracked Server name. I once made a similar mistake, and now some guy named “Omega” has a skin that looks like a squid. Uh-oh…

    #22349 Score: 0

    23 pts

    XxBELLEMORTxX, only people who are also using EC Client will be able to see your skin. If they are not using EC Client they wont be able to see it, so tell them to install it if you want them to see your skin. There is A LOT of people who use EC client.

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