dang villager despawn


Home Forums Survival Bug/Glitch Report dang villager despawn

This topic contains 12 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Xavier3479 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #45476 Score: 0


    withers iron farm, the one right next to spawn, all villagers despawned, i know this has been hapening, but this is the first that it has happened to me. its not plot limie, because the most villagers in each whole is 7, and i check that farm OFTEN and it didnt get too high, i hope this gets fixed, and that wither gets refunded because i bought 6 of the eggs, lol

    #45477 Score: 0


    some of my villagers despawned too ._.

    #45479 Score: 0

    1 pt

    It’s not only wither’s farm, i noticed every single villager in our iron farm despawned, that’s the 4th time to happen, there were about 4/5 villagers in each cell, 4 x 4 = 16, 1 villager egg = about 4k
    16 x 4 = ??? (aint nobody got time for math)
    so that’s how much we lost, and for 4 times, wow, assistants blew alot of money on that, i hope that EC staff please fix this problem.


    #45481 Score: 0


    If I heard right, there is some ‘max no. of mobs to a plot’ thing that the server has installed.

    #45485 Score: 0


    Common problem. If they despawn then that means theres to many

    #45488 Score: 0

    7 pts

    Unidentified problem, the plugin is removed as far as I know.

    #45490 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Just wanted to say one more thing:
    In the server’s chat, members kept complaining about the dragon despawning and respawning in full helath, i dont have pics but i remember Bongo saying:
    ” it bedan despawning since we added that new villager plugin”
    Could most mobs despawning occur form a bug in that plugin? Once the town’s mayor was walking around in town and started shearing some sheep, while shearing (all other plots around him were other mobs) BAM! 3 sheep left. He was alone, no one breeded any mobs near him, so it has nothing to do with the mob limit.

    TheHighOreo (not abdo, stop calling me abdo)

    #45492 Score: 0


    lol oreo, XD i know, i have a plot with atleast 50 sheep on it, its not the plugin, because there were only 5 villagers on each plot, i have a plot with like 15 vilagers in each plot, u cant tell me its the mob limit

    #45493 Score: 0


    Guys, we removed the villager plugin so we have no idea what the issue is. Please try to keep calm while we work on it.

    #45496 Score: 0


    Lol vsub calming all these people down xD

    #45499 Score: 0


    But people have to know that you are abdo, Oreo.

    #45504 Score: 0

    23 pts

    I readded it yesterday because it was lagging like crazy, even with only 14 players. Unfortunately if this is what fixed the lag I am gonna have to keep it until further notice, I rather sacrifice villagers and stuff so we dont have to suffer lag.

    #45505 Score: 0


    Man… villagers causing lag. This isnt the first time this has happend :/

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

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