darknight123 ban appeal
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This topic contains 14 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by darknight123 11 years, 5 months ago.
Um…. I’m here to make a ban appeal. I don’t know what went wrong, but I got banned. It is 28/9/13. Please help me fix it. I really want to play on this minigames server. Thanks in advance!
There’s always a reason why the mods at Minigames banned you. Also you used the incorrect ban appeal template.
Sorry. I would like to be unbanned. I think gra0067 banned me. I don’t know the reason. I did not use hack. I just said hi to him and stood in front of him. Then I was banned. It says that “You have been banned from this server for Invisable Make a ban appeal at http://www.eternalcracked.com. I really want to to play on this server. Please unban me. My username is darknight123
This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by
This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by
Are you sure you weren’t irritating him by obstructing him or spamming him with ‘hi’? Seems like there’s more to it than you are claiming.
Hmm…. Maybe I irritated him…. Then how do I get myself unbanned?
You were banned because you were invisible in hunger games and in the minigames lobby even i couldnt see you or your name tag no matter what i did i couldnt even tab your name so there was something going on, it was a bit more than a glitch the only reason i knew where you were is because i was tp’ing to you and by the way someone else was talking in the chat i definitely wasnt the only one that couldnt see you.
Minigames Keymaster GraOh…. so what happens now? I also noticed that. In the lobby I had this small tab beside the inventory. It says Invisibility **:**. Is that a glitch? How do I fix it?
Is it even possible to be invisible in mini-games? If it’s **:** then it is possible that someone used commands.
I did not use commands. Did someone put a hack on me? I don’t know what happened. I can’t see anyone in the lobby. How do I fix this? I really wanna play on the mini games.
The /login lobby gives me invis **:** too, but it wears off immediately in the Survival world. I haven’t tested out the Minigames lobby but maybe it doesn’t always wear off first time.
I still can’t play on Mini Games. I can only play Survival, Creative and SS. What should I do?
Seems to me like you were playing a minigame where there was an invisibility effect and it didn’t get cleared when he went back to the lobby. I think we should give him one more chance but keep a close eye on him.
Thank you! Please. I think playing the kit pvp, parkour and all those, might result in that. Please unban me. tHanks
I’ll replace the ban with a 12hr(due to time served) temp ban but be aware there will not be anthor chance and vsub we dont have any minigames which have invis effects thats why the punishment was so harsh.
As for the lobby idea we disscussed it a bit in the mod chat and it isnt realy impossible because there 2 differnt worlds.MiniGames Keymaster Gra0067
THank you gra! I really appreciate it. I hope that doesn’t happen again…. I don’t want to be banned forever from this server.
This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by
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