Deal With It Guys.


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal Deal With It Guys.

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  vegeta417885 12 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #5914 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Okay, so maybe this is a bit against the rules. Because I am posting a Topic that isn’t about a Ban. But I have been looking and posting at some of these Ban Appeals. And I think some of them is just complete Bull Skin. You guys are just making excuses (Most of you). I am not aiming at persific people (sorry if spelt wrong). But it gets very irritating when Players Back-Chat a Moderator. Guys, just keep in mind that Guardian Moderators have very Strong Powers. So just don’t try to deny that you didn’t x-ray ETC. There is a lot of proof that you can’t deny. Admit that you did do it. And it wont be so hard on you. If you get banned, just don’t Out Rage. I know this is probably against the rules. But I just wanted to tell you guys this. Believe me, It is better to deal with it to deny it. Thank You for listening guys.



    • This topic was modified 12 years, 6 months ago by  Bender.
    #5921 Score: 0


    well bender not to be rude but computers can make mistakes. and people sometimes get annoyed but u have to forgive a forget 😀


    #5923 Score: 0


    true. but lets not forget, it happens many times, a player being tempbanned coming back and doing it again…


    #5925 Score: 0


    i have to agree with u on tht

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