deasertman – Ban Appeal


Home Forums Survival Ban Appeal deasertman – Ban Appeal

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  ChillzKillz99 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #75578 Score: 0

    1 pt

    In-game name: deasertman
    Why you have been banned: Donor Fraud
    Where you are banned: Survival and Creative (Till now I guess)
    Who banned you: Unknown
    Why you should be unbanned:

    I did not purchase my own donor, it was FuzzyMonkey1128 who has. I have screenshots that can help prove this, not to mention Rogue_Art was online when this had happened, and he knows everything.


    I have never imagined myself actually doing a ban appeal for EC. I’ve never been banned before and I don’t plan on being banned in the future.

    #75579 Score: 0


    Same here but fuzzy dident send meh those messages

    #75581 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Just a couple of things to get straight as well:

    1. I’m not blaming Fuzzy, I don’t know what reason got this to happen. I’m just explaining my situation.

    2. I realise the screenshots do not prove everything but they show part of the deal. To get to know everything, you need to talk to Rogue_Art.

    #75633 Score: 0


    Looks like fuzzy bought donor for a couple of people them revoked all the payments.

    #75640 Score: 0

    5 pts

    Lol hope u get unbanned

    #75641 Score: 0


    Nuuuuuuu I m in trouble T_T. Hey Vsub I bought a we token from fuzzy for 160k. I was surprised that he was selling them at a low price, Cuz the regular price is 200k and sometimes rises to 1mil. I still have he token and it clearly says that “Bought by FuzzyMonkey1128”. What should I do with this token? Cuz I need to make a huge sethbling cactus farm and need it to clear a large area.

    And btw dessert I hope u get unbanned Cuz it is not or fault. P.S. u will also get banned in Mini games and prison, as donor is automatically activated there. U r still safe in factions Cuz it is whitelisted and donor is not automatically activated there.

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