Deeznuts info (just to let mods know also)


Home Forums Survival Town Gossip Deeznuts info (just to let mods know also)

This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Bender 12 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #1090 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Guys something has been bugging me lately im new to this website so I dont know how or where to report people so im using this to report someone there is a person named DeezNuts can you plz ban him because he goes around killing people and then stealing there stuff then he says to you I will give you your stuff back if you give me this amount of money and he doesn’t evan givr you all of his stuff so could a mod plz ban him that would be great thank you.

    #1093 Score: 0


    Well I’m sorry to inform you but thats pvp and it is allowed outside of towns. Sorry but its not a banable reason (or so i think).


    #1100 Score: 0

    23 pts

    Yeah dude, sorry to let you know, but wilderness is wild, so keep your stuff safe in chests as much as possible and carry only the essential.

    #1133 Score: 0


    Just to let you guys know he also kills in towns when the pvp is off and takes my stuff too.

    #1152 Score: 0


    Is it illegal to kill when PvP is on? It just docent make sense if you don’t want someone to kill ppl in your town why would you turn pvp on? (unless he does it with the bug that allows pvp.


    #1261 Score: 0


    He does kill people a lot. he kills you and he says tpa to me and kills u over and over!!!

    #1262 Score: 0


    @stevenhunts I do remember the incident when he killed you in town, but you got to admit that you also started, so I wouldn’t complain, cause you are accusing yourself for the same crime.

    Otherwise, Deez does kill people, but it’s not as frequent as you guys describe it. Other people kill, too, and nobody complains then. It is a pvp server, and if you guys tp to him after he killed you, then it’s just stupid of yourself to do it.


    #1279 Score: 0


    PvP in the Wilderness – Legal
    PvP in Towns with PvP off – Illegal
    PvP in Towns with PvP on – Legal

    To check if the PvP is on in the town, stand inside the town and do ‘/town here’ without the quotations.

    You can also do /town .

    It should say:
    (TownName) (No PvP)
    (TownName) (PvP)

    If it says (No PvP) and they can still attack, report it to a moderator and we will take care of it.

    – Chibichuba

    #1744 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Well this was when I was new to this server.

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