Deleterious, we're not done yet ;)


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This topic contains 39 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  Wither 10 years ago.

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  • #98660 Score: 0



    #98661 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Yeah and like I said earlier, all but 2 of faction’s Mods are in deleterious, and migz, yes I’m talking about that guy, he hasn’t been online for 2 months, and nobody bothered to demote him? I’m pretty sure the rule was, from what Skills told me once, if you’re inactive as a mod for at least 6 weeks, you’re demoted.. Migz has not been in forums nor in game, and he keeps mod rank? And yes, wither, I am pressuring questions about factions’ staff problems.

    Anyways, I would like a mod to close this topic, as it just turned into one massive mosh pit of arguing.

    #98662 Score: 0


    What the hell did you think it was going to turn into?

    #98663 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Migz Won’t be demoted 😀

    #98664 Score: 0


    Hasn’t he been inactive?

    Also aren’t you a keymaster, shouldn’t you be able to close it? Weird.

    #98665 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Ohhh, isn’t it my mod team? When does an abuser get to decide?

    #98666 Score: 0

    20 pts

    Notice how wither 100% ignored my request for this to be closed, and don’t ****ing act like you didn’t notice it wither.

    #98667 Score: 0

    41 pts

    If it’s for family issues/army/moving houses/hospital, I’m sure he’d be excused.

    #98668 Score: 0


    “Mods be abusing”
    “Mods are inactive”
    “Mods wont be demoted”
    “Why am i not mod i can do 10 times the job they are”
    Shut the hell up.
    “Community sucks”
    “Community Blows”
    “Everyone complains like 12 year olds”

    Grow the fuck up. All you guys do is bitch about how terrible the mods are. I have yet to see one good thing about Moderators and what they have done for you. Your like a kid who has all the electronics in the world, but when the new one comes out, you yell and scream until you get it. Live with what you have, and stop asking that everything they do is 100% perfect all the time. Its called human error, get used to it. Its life.
    And your all really going to complain about a mod not being demoted over inactivity? WHat?! Your adding in random bullshit just to think your helping your cause.
    You want something done? Stop bitching. Grow up. Make a topic like your age and not rub it into someones face that you think you have proof. Then wait and see the outcome.
    And before everyone yells and screams that I said a lot of “naughty words”. I don’t really care right now. It will get your attention and maybe you will listen.

    #98669 Score: 0

    14 pts

    Lemee say, Ander was the one who created this topic for an argument.

    You couldn’t back up your claim and started to accuse on multiple accounts.

    Anyways, I would like a mod to close this topic, as it just turned into one massive mosh pit of arguing.

    Ander created this.

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