This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by Rogue_Art 10 years, 7 months ago.
People are selling diamond armor for, what? 30k? Better, because the REAL DIAMOND ARMOR’S PRICE WILL BLOW YOUR MIND!Hmmm lets see if each diamond cause lets say 750, u do 750×24=60k
HMMM YEAH DUDE UR RIGHTHello Guys! In EternalCracked, people say they sell their stuff waaaaay too expensive. Well, think again, because I will make you think diffrently (spelling error).
We will discover how much a Toni303 is worth.
And then, we will discover, will Toni303 protect you from AIDS and an explosion in real life?
To know a Toni303’s price, we will need to know it’s way the Toni303 is shaped. Is it handsome and what colour is it?
Well first handsomeness, It is the easy question.
Because we can see the Toni303 has a smooth voice. Those are good news, because it’s price won’t go down. Next the body. Well, bad news for that, because it will cost a lot more if we can see through it. But it doesn’t mean it’s worthless. Next, the face. We dont need to talk about that. One Toni303 and it can attract the chicks and female players. And the last, color. These are great news, because the rarest Toni303 colour is RANDOM!
Now lets combine the price of the full Toni303… and the price is…!!!
That is right. That is how much it is worth.
Now the final question, is is safe to wear it? Is it?
Well too bad it is not safe because you are wearing a Toni303, not a super-adorable Stephano the chicken outfit. Yes, Toni303 is the sharpest player, but it’s a player! Not a mineral! Inside the Toni303, are full of C17H21NO4. Cocaine. Makes it handsome but weak. However, with a quick, strong swipe of his sword, you cannot damage his wonderfulness as it is not very effective!
All that effort for nothing unless you have a Super-Duper-Mega-Ultimate Butter where you can slap him with!
Check this YouTube video. It will explain better than me.
And my final word is: Don’t complain about how expensive diamonds are in EC.
Buy a Toni303!And that, my good sirs, is my 301st reply! As every youtube video. I will freeze at 301 for about a day and will continue making funny replies for you all to enjoy!
The One And Only ZevGuns!(⌐■_■) Deal with it.
Zevguns, you just made my day XD
A donor can buy a full set of diamond armor for exactly 15k as diamonds are 625 each for donors. I sell about 16 sets of diamond armor a day for double their cost, cause I”m a greedy basterd!!! 😛
ADCK…thats nice and all but do you sell Toni303s? XD..I’m sorry I couldn’t help it
One problem: The diamonds are not filled with air. But: The diamonds have a crystalline figure. Crystals have a repeated pattern, and have some weak points in them. Diamonds have weak points at 90 degree angles, meaning if you took your iron sword, and just stabbed a person with diamond armor, they would already be hurt or there would be a dent.
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