dingga's MOD APP


Home Forums Prison Mod Applications dingga's MOD APP

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Artoriel 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #132483 Score: 0


    In-game names used:dingga

    How Old are you:13 years old

    In what country do you live in, and what is your timezone? Philippines,UTC+8

    Are you able to record for evidences? No

    Do you have any previous experience in Moderating? Yes,In other Server But now They closed it :( and I know the Basic Command as moderating Etc.

    Do you ever get punished in EternalCraft before? Yes,0 warns,1 mute,1 ban i learn for the ban

    How Often are you Online in Prison:1-2 hours

    Why do you want to become a Moderator? I want to become a moderator of prison because I want to help with the mod team as well as players. I want make prison funner with events. Also I want to ban hackers that wants to ruin the game for others. Another reason is that I have time to play on both servers Vanilla and Prison. Also I know you guys are like “this dude with bad records isn’t going make mod” but I just wanted to try and see what happens. Plus I know you guys think I am immature but you guys are right, therefore I am trying to be more mature like a 16 year old. Thank You for reading my mod app.

    #132484 Score: 0


    Vote Down
    + Fairly-made application (could be better)
    + Cool-headed player who does not rage (when I killed you in pvp you did not rage unlike others)
    – New to the forums
    – Haven’t seen you making bug/hacker reports
    – Shown little experience to become a moderator
    As a player, you can already help the players and admins in the server, or host events when you have the wealth to do so. You need to start looking out for bugs and rule-breakers and report them on the forums frequently to prove that you are mod-worthy. You can improve yourself and have shown some signs of maturity to me in the server.
    Good Luck

    #132485 Score: 0


    Btw just learning moderating commands is not enough. You need to have a brief understanding of bukkit plugins such as world edit and so on. Hence I feel you need to be more exposed to server plugins to aquire more experience.

    #132486 Score: 0

    12 pts

    Vote Down.

    -Just got banned 16hours ago.
    -Poor topic, not very detailed.
    -New to the forums.
    -You claimed yourself that you’re not Mature.
    -You don’t care if you don’t make the team or not.

    Timothy, you don’t need to know Plugins and stuff like that. But its very good to know. So the Team can see what he or she can do. :)

    Good luck and have a good day. :)

    #132488 Score: 0

    2 pts

    – Recently banned for impersonating v2_Jester.
    – Not enough effort in your application.
    – Not being able to record evidences. Therefore, you will not be able to help us punishing behavior offenders such as hackers. (This will not actually matter if you can prove that you will be a great addition to our team). Please note that we required evidences for every bans and mutes done by our staff members.

    You can try again in 3 months.

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