Do we have Mob disguise?


Home Forums Survival Player Commands / Admin Commands Do we have Mob disguise?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  PigsWillFly69 11 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #16410 Score: 0


    If not could we get it for creative? Just an Idea. It could be good for people Making videos on the server, and for Mods, too. Also it would be fun. 😀

    #16411 Score: 0


    We don’t have mob disguise. Also, I really hate mob disguise, everytime I want to kill an animal everyone will get angry at me for trying to murder them.

    #16447 Score: 0


    which will be why it’ll be on the creative server, where the only mobs (if implemented) would be players posing as mobs. It’ll be a good idea for creative, but it should be limited so people can’t be giants and etc. Donors would get access to more options and such and such.

    #16467 Score: 0


    This would seriously not work well even on creative. it would cause too much lag and a TON of people would abuse it. It may help to promote ec but not very well

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