Done with prison


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This topic contains 10 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Skeletor 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #89400 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Guys I’m done with prison and DONT EVER call me back there again idc who you are friend or not never call me to prison again


    #89402 Score: 0


    Wow what happened this time?

    #89404 Score: 0


    He got killed and lost his sharpness 8 sword that he got from Crates..

    #89405 Score: 0

    1 pt

    That’s not it dark I have basically LOST all my interest in prison so I already gave everything up I gave every cent i have to samer and I wont regret it even if I was given another chance I would not come back

    #89408 Score: 0

    5 pts

    @Ender243 i lost stuff well over 1mil+ last night

    #89409 Score: 0



    Don’t leave your my buddy I never hated you. I was slightly upset because you kept calling me to kill jerome so I did, but I couldn’t hook uhm thanks to you and samer.. So I’m pretty sorry if you got upset because of me …. Its just you kept calling me and when I come I sometimes find it useless. but pretty sorry hope you come back no hard feelings. I was just upset of the fight between Dark and Tito… Then u and jerome.. So I was pretty stressed. but I didn’t disrespect you or any sort of bad thing :) .. So its not a big deal just come back :) ….

    #89410 Score: 0

    1 pt

    Even if I would come back I will never have a purpose to the server…. And it’s a much harder life in A- no plots or anything to store items….. And I already made up my mind I won’t come back

    Sry own I really am


    #89411 Score: 0


    Is it my fault ?

    #89424 Score: 0


    Oh no Ender 😐 , we all lost our stuff once even the most valuable ones, we all lost hope at a time. In fact i got stuck in F rank for about 3 months but didin’t loose faith in progressing. If you feel like you cannot keep it up, ask us for help, we are here for you! Lost your sharp8? No problem i’ll give you my sharp10! Don’t forget we are one community built on friendship.
    We don’t wanna loose you Ender, you’re a great player. If people don’t think that way of you, I do.

    #89431 Score: 0


    The thing I don’t get is why are you announcing it jw?

    #89438 Score: 0


    @MSN001A1DeltaPlus he wants people to feel pity for him.

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

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