Donor Fail On My Part!!!


Home Forums Survival General discussion Donor Fail On My Part!!!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  ZznabelaA 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #70294 Score: 0


    Hey there higher ranked mods! I just purchased a Gold donor and thought I sent it to Kevin77555, But I guess I was in too much of a rush and forgot to enter in my name. (I just donated for someone else previous to this so it was past the enter your name part) Anyway it got sent to a Golddonor. Which is because I purchased Gold Donor. Could you send me the perks. Thanks!

    #70298 Score: 0


    reported thanks and who did you send it to?

    #70299 Score: 0


    Nobody lol I forgot to enter in a username so it did the username as Golddonor xD

    #70301 Score: 0


    Be more careful next time

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